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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 159

“I will take any responsibility of it.” Kathy closed her eyes and said.

Joseph sneered at her reply and sat upright; he was unwilling to be so closed to her.

“Since you would like to do this, I will make everything between us clear. As long as you could also clear it, I will let you go.” he said indifferently.

Soon he left and closed the door too hard.

Kathy realized that there was only herself in the house with full of loneliness.

She would not live here anymore if getting divorced from Joseph.

Kathy burst into tears when she thought that Joseph would be here with another woman in future.

She felt so cold that curling up on the couch.

Her dress was drying. Now she felt too hot. Then she kept turning over in a coma.

Still in the community, Joseph stayed in his car where there were cigarettes in the storage box from Lincoln.

He never smoked but at this moment only nicotine can calm him down.

He recalled himself of some old memories when he was six years old.

That time he met Kathy for the first time; she was a three-year old girl in a white floral dress with two cute plaits.

The head of the orphanage was annoyed at him and said, “Don’t be silly. You are a big boy. Be open please. Some family will take you.”

“You have stayed here for so long time. Many kids coming after you already left.”

Listening to these, Joseph just sat in the corner with no words.

He was good looking. However, he was a silence boy or talked with irony so that no family would like to adopt him.

Not far away, Kathy was eating an ice cream and looking at Joseph in puzzle.

She walked to him and asked, “You don’t want to leave. Right?”

Joseph compressed lips and watched her with a nod.

Kathy asked more, “But you cannot stay here forever. If someone takes you away, you will go to school. Don’t you want to go to school?”

Hearing what she said, there was something expected in his eyes.

He frowned and then had a nod again.

“I can ask my daddy to take you. We don’t have much money, but I think it’s ok to have you in my family.”

Kathy gave her half ice cream to Joseph before she was going to talk with her daddy about the request. “I heard you don’t have pocket money to eat this. Now come to try.”

That was an ice cream almost finishing with Kathy’s saliva. Yet it was tasty to him.

It was the first ice cream he ever had. He hated sweeties except this ice cream.

Joseph’ mind came back with his eyes open. Then he ended the cigarette and got off the car.

At home, under the mild light, he had in sight that Kathy was lying on the crunch with curl-up. She held part of the dress in hands so it did not hide all of her radiant skins.

He had a frown and walked to her fast. It felt too hot when he touched her face.


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