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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 168

“Tsk tsk, you are far from the Mrs. Joseph I had imagined.” Lincoln looked away.

“Oh? Then how do you think that Mrs. Joseph should be?” Kathy asked.

She also wanted to know how Joseph’s friends think of her.

Lincoln rubbed his chin and pointed to the bar counter outside the full-length window. Over there, Joseph was in discussion with a senior manager and Edith was pouring wine for the two of them and said something occasionally. She was gentle and well-behaved.

She stood beside Joseph. They looked like a heaven-made match.

Kathy laughed, “In terms of beauty or capability, Edith is far better than me.”

“It’s good that you are aware of your limitations, but I think of it this way. Joseph is naturally talented and intelligent. He was admitted to Harvard at sixteen, at twenty he received the Master’s degree for Neurosurgery and completed numerous complex surgeries. In our eyes, he is unmatched. Perhaps he needs to find a balance.”

Kathy frowned and didn’t quite understand.

“You are the type that he seldom interacts with and that’s why he is interested in you. In his twenty eight years, the women in Joseph’s life were all beautiful and intelligent. He may be tired of those.”

Kathy was speechless.

Was he trying to insult her?

At least she has a decent figure, delicate cheeks, but perhaps there was room for improvement in the area of intelligence.

She only felt that the only thing that she can’t compare with was family background.

But this has never caused her to feel inferior.

She made a mistake with Peter and she doesn’t want to fall into another pit.

“Mr. Fletcher, thanks for your analysis. I think I gained some more insights into Joseph.” Kathy tilted her head and her eyes sparkled.

Lincoln squinted and Kathy was quiet and gentle. She dresses very simply but if she was to stand in a crowd of well-dressed people, she will stand out as innocent and elegant.

He quickly looked away and smirked.

When she saw Kathy walking over, Alexia’s eyes lit up, and walked over.

“Kathy, I was so worried!”

“What did you worry about?” Kathy laughed.

“I’m worried that someone is seducing Joseph! You don’t know that woman. Look at her evening gown, the entire back is exposed. Additionally, the breasts were so exposed, isn’t this seduction!” Alexia said angrily.

Kathy didn’t take notice and when she looked over, Edith’s skin was very fair and her long hair was slightly curled. Part of it was over her chest and revealing the other side. Her elegance and sexiness were unmatched.

As if she could feel Kathy’s stare, Edith looked over and the two women exchanged looks.

Kathy smiled gently and turned back.

She could ignore Edith but not the commanding presence of the man beside her.

It was like her gaze was fixated to that ridiculously handsome man. They were a distance apart but under the warm lighting, he was still so attractive.

The black business suit and two long straight pencil-like legs, neat and clean, and an expensive tailored shirt.

Just standing quietly he will still attract all the attention.


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