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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 173

"It’s just temporary for him liking her, right?" Edith urgently needed an answer to comfort herself.

Edith was always sweet and pretty in the public. But once she faced something related to Joseph, especially when there was nobody watching her, she couldn't help losing control.

"I hope so." Lincoln frowned. He had known Joseph for many years, but he still couldn't understand him.

In the car, there was a faint smell of red wine spreading everywhere.

Kathy generally couldn’t drink much. Although she only drank a little wine, she still felt a little dizzy.

Joseph stretched his hand over to put her head on his shoulder.

Kathy was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly pushed him away.

Joseph frowned and raised her small face, "What did Edith tell you? Huh?"

"Nothing." Kathy closed her eyes.

"Kathy, if you don't tell me, I will kiss you until you say it." Then Joseph's face got closer and closer.

Kathy didn't even doubt that if he was lying. She immediately opened her eyes and pressed her hand against his chest.

She stared at Joseph, "Miss Edith said that she has lived with you since she was a child."

Joseph couldn't help smiling. He knew that this was definitely not what Edith said.

But it should be the similar meaning.

"Edith lived in Joseph family since she was ten years old. We have indeed lived together in the same house for many years." Joseph explained patiently.

Kathy asked, "Did your family adopt her?"

Joseph nodded, "When I saw Edith for the first time, her parents passed away already and her uncle became her guardian. But that man wanted to do something nasty to Edith for many times."

Kathy couldn't help frowning. It was really heartbreaking to hear that a girl had to experience such a thing at such a young age.

"You have been taking good care of her, right?" Kathy asked.

When she asked, deep in her heart, she didn’t care that much anymore even if he admitted it.

Joseph stared at Kathy, as if trying to see through what answer she wanted to hear.

He said, "Grandpa has always wanted to have a granddaughter. But there was never a girl before her. So everyone always takes care of her."

"Oh, that means Edith is actually a member of your family. Why didn't Grandpa match you two up?" Kathy asked. Edith made it clear of her feelings toward Joseph in front of her.

It was just that Kathy was not sure if others from Joseph family understood Edith’s feelings.

Joseph frowned and knocked her forehead, "She is not from our family. She has always been in contact with the Wesley family. And I don't like her."

It surprised Kathy hearing Joseph being so honestly.

She blinked her eyes. With no need to guess, she knew that Joseph didn’t lie to her.

"Then who do you like?" Kathy couldn't help blurting out.

Joseph's eyes were filled with coldness, “There was no ‘like’ in my world."

He still repeated what he said last time.

Kathy felt disappointed deep in her heart.

She couldn't help but wondering if Joseph had suffered any emotional frustration before, which caused the emotional disorder now.

"Don't think too much, I'm normal." Seeing Kathy's expression, he said coldly.

"I know!" Kathy pushed him away angrily.

But Joseph didn't let her go, instead he pushed her against the spacious seat. Kathy didn’t do much makeup. But she was the special one in the whole party, looking so clean like a lotus.

His eyes looked at her deeply and closely. And finally he couldn’t control himself anymore. He went down and kissed her over and over again, until she couldn’t breathe anymore.

After a while arriving to the Joseph Bay, Kathy finally came to her sense. She blinked her eyes, seeing Joseph kissing her gently and deeply. As if he wanted to remember her kiss deep to his bones.

She didn't want to leave him.

Kathy closed her eyes and actively kissed back.


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