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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 194

"Now, it's your last time." The driver said indifferently.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. I just do it for money." After said that, the driver opened the door and went off the car.

The door of the back seat was opened, and Kathy was dragged out of the car by him.

"Don't touch me!" Kathy pushed him angrily, but the man was so strong that Kathy's knees were injured.

The pain made her unable to stand. It was so dark at night, and there was a dangerous cliff in front of her. She was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

It was dark all around, and Kathy was pushed to kneel down. Facing such high cliff, her face became pale.

The people behind... wanted her to die?

"Did Peter ask you kill me?" Kathy suddenly raised her head.

Except for that man, she didn't know who else hated her so much.

The driver's face was still cold, "I don't care."

Kathy frowned, biting her lip firmly, at this moment, there was a piercing pain in her heart.

No... She couldn't die!

The man's hands were against her back, as if to push Kathy down.

Her hands had been trying to grasp something. But there was few weeds around, she could only grasp dirts.

Kathy was desperate. In the dark night, everything under the cliff was unknown.

But if she fell, there was undoubtedly only one result.

Closing her eyes tightly, she exhausted all her strength to make a counterattack. The driver was obviously caught unawares and suppressed by Kathy.

But she didn't have a weapon at hand. The power of her hands was not as powerful as a man.

"Hey, you are quite stubborn. Do you want to run away? Dreaming!" The man said angrily, grabbing Kathy's hand from behind and pushing her to the edge of the cliff.

Kathy's feet tightly trod on rubbles on the ground, and half of her body was hung. She had to tightly hold the man's arm to stabilize her body.

"You are a murderer... It's illegal!" Kathy shouted angrily as she stepped back.

The man had already lost his head and said coldly, "Who let you offend someone whom you can't offend!"

Suddenly, a piercing brake sound came, and at the same time, the bright car lights projected over, Kathy closed her eyes subconsciously, but was pushed back half a meter by the man.

Her feet were almost weak, and the whole person fell and sat down. She could have to grasp the man's legs for safety.

When the man found someone coming, he tried all the efforts to push Kathy down, but as soon as he acted, his shoulder was caught by someone.

Kathy raised her head. Although it was so dark, she could see Joseph's handsome face clearly, and she was almost lost in an instant.

"Grab my hand!" Seeing Kathy startled, Joseph's face darkened a bit.

Kathy paused, her wrist was already held by Joseph, so she released another hand and immediately grasped Joseph's hands.

The man who had been grasped by her was already subdued by John. Kathy breathed a sigh of relief and was very weak when she was pulled up by Joseph.

She didn't dare to look back at the man... If she didn't hold him tightly, she would have...

Looking up, Joseph hugged her tightly. It was so familiar and Kathy's nervous heart gradually calmed down.

"Why are you... here?" said Kathy with a tremulous voice.

She couldn't help shaking with cold sweat all over.

Joseph lifted her pale face and kissed her forehead, tightening his hands.

He was trembling and frightened.

When he got out of the car, he couldn't see Kathy at all. As he approached step by step, he saw her struggling on the edge of the cliff. At that moment, his heartbeat seemed to have resumed.


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