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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 70

Joseph was sitting at the corner, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. His powerful aura couldn’t be concealed and he was always the spotlight among the people.

Sitting next to him were a few men in years dressing in suits. They should be senior executive ranking individuals.

Johnson greeted them when he came in. Kathy found that they were the high ups from Gorfield Medical Company.

Gorfield Medical Company was exactly the company she was suspected of leaking information to.

Kathy and Alexia sat quietly on the other side. As Johnson’s secretary, Joanne had been serving winc beside him.

The CEO of Gorfield was young, only in his forties, he was chatting with Johnson.

When they mentioned about the leaking of NCHV’s proposal, Joanne unintentionally shuddered and accidentally spilled the wine.

Johnson’s shirt was stained by wine, although Joanne apologized immediately, Johnson was irritated.

“Come out with me.” Johnson’s face sank and he instructed Alexia to buy him a new shirt when he passed by her.

The room left only a woman who was Kathy. On the opposite side, Joseph was talking to a young man, but his gaze stayed on Kathy.

Kathy frowned and avoided his gaze.”

“Miss Kathy, do you want to try some?” A man sat beside her, he was Gorfield’s CEO’s assistant, Gabriel Harold.

Kathy looked at the light blue liquid, although it was a cocktail, the alcohol content was not low.

She then shook her hand, “I’m not very good at drinking.”

“It tasted sweet. Since you come with Mr Johnson, don’t tell me you are here just for display?” Gabriel’s tone deepened.

Kathy was placed in difficult position. She also didn’t know why did Johnson bring her over.

“Since you are being so disrespectful, that’s fine. I thought the people around Johnson would know how to behave smartly, seems like it is really just a pretty face.”

Kathy was provoked by his words, it’s obvious that she couldn’t avoid drinking when she came here. So she took a deep breath and took the wine glass.

Gabriel was pleased, “Not bad.”

Gabriel then kept talking to her, but Kathy wasn’t paying attention, her attention was involuntarily drawn to Joseph…but she didn’t dare to look at him.

Johnson returned with a clean shirt and got back to his seat, only that the person next to him was Alexia.

Joanne sat next to Kathy.

At that moment, a man came into the room, he was the head of marketing department of Gorfield. His eyes was bit doubtful when he saw Joanne.

“Here are a few employees from NCHV who were in charge of the marketing proposal. Who was the one who had made a deal with you?” The CEO narrowed his eyes, it was obvious that he had investigated secretly.

The man frowned, her gaze falling on Joanne paused, and then looked at Kathy who was beside her.

“Miss Kathy.” He spoke with a deep voice.

Kathy was baffled, this was the first time she’d seen this man.

“Kathy, what did you say?” Johnson took a sip on his cigarette, his sharp eyes narrowed.

“I don’t know this guy! I didn’t make a deal with him!”

With a worried look on Alexia’s face, she tried to speak, but she was stopped by Johnson.

“Sam, tell the whole story specifically.”

“She gave me the information at Yolk Café located Lyan District on 20th of last month.” Sam spoke.

“Kathy, where were you that day?” Johnson asked.

Kathy frowned, it was already more than half month ago, that day was weekend.

If she wasn’t mistaken, she was with Joseph who brought her to see the bridal room…

But could she say it out…

She looked at Joseph and paused,” I went to see my new house that day at Joseph Bay, I didn’t go to Lyan District.”


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