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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 105

After a busy day, when Henry returned home, he smelled the strong aroma of rice from the house.

"Milan is cooking again?"

Henry didn't even consider that Sylvia would cook.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the house, Sylvia was sitting at the dining table, looking at the kitchen expectantly.

There was a strange and beautiful woman sitting at the dining table with her. Milan's figure flashed in the kitchen from time to time.

"Sylvia, your friend came." Henry greeted her naturally. Every time Milan was there, he would call her Sylvia.

Sylvia excitedly introduced her friend to Henry, "This is Nico, a friend of Milan's in France. You don't know, do you? Milan and Nico have cooked for the French Royal family. You are so lucky. Nico, this is Henry."

"Hello." Nico took the initiative to reach out to Henry.

"Hello." Henry reached out to hold her fingertip, but he was thinking about what Sylvia had said.

"The Royal Family of France?"

Henry suddenly thought of a person. The current chief of the French royal family had been asking him to teach him some cooking skills. One year, he told Henry that he had found two talents from China. There were only two Chinese in his team. Could it be that Milan and Nico were his disciples?

Henry glanced at Nico with a strange look, and then looked at Milan, who was busy in the kitchen.

"My wife's best friends will become my disciple grandchildren?"

Henry's glance did not escape Nico's eyes. When they met for the first time, Henry looked at her from head to toe. Everyone would feel uncomfortable about this. But she did not say anything. She knew Henry's nature that he was a love liar. This time, Nico also intended to cooperate with Milan to expose this person.

Today, Milan didn't cook any French food, instead, she did some home cooking. When the smell came out, Sylvia felt so hungry.

Henry now knew that his wife was a little foodie. She didn't show it at ordinary times, but once she saw delicious food, the foodie's nature would be exposed immediately.

During the meal, the three women were talking to each other, mainly about some cosmetics and clothes brands. Henry couldn't interrupt, so he quickly finished his meal and found an excuse to go out.

Before Henry returned home, Helen called him, telling that Black Thunder's boss tonight would bring someone to negotiate.

As the head of the underworld in Ning Province, Black Thunder's base was not in Yinzhou. Because he knew that the wind would destroy the tree that stood out in the forest.

Therefore, although Yinzhou was a piece of fat, Black Thunder did not dare to take it alone. He could even let the Green Leaf Society grow up in Yinzhou.

But it was impossible for Black Thunder to give up Yinzhou completely.


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