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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 113

Henry and Jenny stood in front of the residential area of Swan Lake Town. Looking at this majestic and luxurious residential area, they could imagine that the price of the housing was very high.

"Henry, is that Kevin Lee you're talking about living here?" Jenny's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kevin Lee was the person in charge of the branch of the association.

Jenny had known about the housing price of this community. The price of one square meter was nine thousand yuan. As for the house price in Yinzhou, it could be regarded as the highest price in the city.

Jenny had her own company and her income was relatively stable. But just like that, if she wanted to buy a suite in Swan Lake Town, she would still be under pressure.

A person in charge of the charity association, what was the monthly salary? 5,000 yuan or 7,000 yuan? How could he buy a house here? Jenny did not have to think twice to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

Henry shook his head and answered Jenny's question. "He doesn't live here. This house was bought for his mistress. It's a villa of 280 square meters."

Although Henry's tone was calm, he always made people feel a chill when he spoke.

Jenny took a deep breath and opened her mouth wide. "280 square meters? Bought for the mistress? This ..."

Henry took Jenny into the community. He ran purposefully to a building, the villa bought by Kevin for the mistress.

It was a hot summer, and it was noon. The sun was so hot.

A burst of laughter rang into Henry's ears.

Henry and Jenny stood outside the villa and looked at the swimming pool filled with water in the villa. A man and a woman were lying in the pool, enjoying the iced juice. The man was in his forties, and the woman was only 23 or 24 years old. Her body was hot, and the laughter just now was coming from her.

Henry looked at the photo on the mobile phone, and then looked at the man in the swimming pool. He was sure that this was the person in charge of the branch office of the association. The young woman lying next to him was his mistress, Rose Zhao.

After confirming that, Henry put away his cell phone, pushed open the gate of the courtyard, and walked in.

The iron gate of the courtyard made a creaking sound, attracting the attention of the two people in the pool.

"What's wrong with this security guard? How dare the insurance salesman comes in at will?" Kevin was wearing sunglasses, and his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Henry was wearing his business suit. It was no wonder that Kevin regarded him as an insurance salesman.

Henry curled his lip and said, "Kevin Lee, right? The person in charge of the branch of Red Cross Association?"

Hearing this, Kevin's face changed. "I'm sorry, you made a mistake. I don't understand what that association is. This is my private property. I don't welcome you now. Please go out."

"Haha," Henry smiled contemptuously. "We're all adults. Don't pretend to be confused."

Henry walked to the swimming pool and looked at it up and down. "Gee, good, the quality of life is very high. Look at the beautiful woman beside you. She has long legs and a thin waist."

Rose, Kevin's mistress, looked at Henry unhappily. "You poor wretch, what are you looking at?"

After that, Rose held Kevin's arm and said coquettishly, "Honey, who is this person? I hate him so much. Make him leave."


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