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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 119

"Everybody, originally I was not so irritated, but some things just happened and made me very unhappy. According to the original schedule, I was invited by President Ma to tell you a new medical concept, as well as a demonstration of the acupuncture technique like shaking needles. But now, I have something else to do first, such as making a comparison with that doctor."

Henry pointed to the place where Rick Zhao was standing. As soon as his voice fell, the whole hall was in an uproar.

Daisy and others opened their mouths wide and looked at the podium in surprise. Today, the news about the highly-skilled doctor's lecture spread throughout the whole campus. Everyone knew it, but Daisy and others had never thought that the highly-skilled doctor was Henry!

Rick and Ron, and the others were all a little confused. What did he mean? This man was the miracle-working doctor who was going to give a lecture today? This...

Ron felt a shiver in his heart. He did not expect that this person in front of him was actually the magical doctor? How... how could this be possible?

As for questioning Henry's words, they didn't do it at all. Now President Ma of Ning Province Medical Association and Lewis Yan were both there. Who could pretend to be a miracle doctor?

"That's enough. Everyone, calm down." Henry raised his hands and pressed down the void.

The previously noisy display hall became quiet again.

"Let's do things one by one. Since the doctor wants to confront me, I'll do it. Please take a look at the screen." Henry made a gesture of inviting everyone to look at the case map. "The patient on the picture is born weak and can't raise his arms above his heads. It's difficult for him to train. What do you think is the reason?"

"It's possible that the meridians of the arms are damaged."

"Qi and blood are not in good condition."

"Maybe it has something to do with the bones."

As soon as Henry finished speaking, all the physicians began to speak, just like the students who rushed to answer the teacher's questions in the class.

Henry nodded and said, "Let's add three more conditions. The bones are intact, the Qi and blood are smooth, and the meridians are connected. So, please think about it again."

After Henry added these three conditions, these doctors fell into a temporary silence.

"It's not easy to judge. You have to touch his bones."

"Yes, or should take an X-ray."

Henry smiled and said, "Guys, do you think that there is something wrong with the neck, which could affect the arms?"

After Henry finished, many old doctors' eyes lit up.

"Very likely! There is a saying in our doctors of Chinese Medicine that a slight change will affect the whole body. If there is something wrong with the shoulder and neck, and it would indeed affect the arms. The root cause of this disease can't be found in the arms."

"That's right. It's indeed a good idea to start."

A group of doctors came up with many possibilities and began to discuss.

Ron, who was sitting in his seat, had a very ugly look on his face at this moment.

"Well, I'll tell you another way." Henry stopped everyone's discussion and said, "If you don't start from the neck, you should stimulate the pressure points of the neck as much as possible. What do you think?"

"Try to stimulate the acupuncture points as much as possible?" An old Chinese medicine doctor was confused. After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "I don't think it's right. If the patient's arm is fine, the Qi and blood are smooth, and the meridians are active, then the patient's arm is likely to be stained with blood if the patient is stimulated again. The result of this effect is likely to make the patient's arms lose function forever."


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