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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 127

Although brother Dragon's position in the Green Leaf was not very high, his popularity was second only to those in charge. He was also called the runner-up of the provincial striker, which made him very famous in the Green Leaf. There was a vague feeling that he was a double- pupil in the Green Leaf.

Now, brother Dragon was going to fight and what made the members of the Green Leaf burst into cheers.

The defeat of more than a dozen masters made them feel too wronged, and they urgently needed one person to fight back.

Seeing that brother Dragon was so popular, brother Tiger's face showed joy.

"Brother-in-law, how much chance do you think he has to win?" Wade looked at Brother Dragon who was walking into the cage and asked.

"It's hard to say." Henry shook his head. "This person has some foundation. Between him and that girl, hmm, depends who has more fighting experience."

After brother Dragon walked into the cage, the iron cage was shut. He did not say anything more and directly took action.

Outside the cage, Brother Tiger took the lead in shouting and cheering.

The situation of the battle in the cage was just as Henry guessed. Unlike the previous dozen or so people, brother Dragon fought with the girl equally, and even seemed to have the upper hand.

"Little girl, I didn't expect that you, Green Leaf, have such an expert. It's really rare." Looking at brother Dragon, Black Saber said enviously.

Brother Dragon waved his fists with a wind-breaking sound. Brother Tiger looked at him with excitement. After today's fight, brother Dragon will be famous. Green Leaf must have a place for him in the future!

"Ah, lost again." Henry stood there and shook his head.

"How come?" Brother Chow frowned and was puzzled. Although he was not in harmony with brother Dragon and others, in this case, he still hoped that his men could win.

"In the early stage, he attacked too quickly and didn't know how to hold his strength. In this kind of stalemate, he will soon be exhausted and defeated." Henry shook his head. Brother Dragon had a strong momentum, but lacked combat experience.

As if to confirm Henry's words, in less than a minute after Henry finished speaking, brother Dragon in the cage repeatedly made mistakes. He was punched by the other party a few times and stepped back. Just when he was about to counterattack, the other party rushed forward and beat him to resist in a hurry. In the end, he was heavily punched in the abdomen.

His whole body was bent like a shrimp by this punch, and his face was red with anger. That was the end of this match.

Black Thunder would only send five people to challenge the entire Green Leaf. In the end, only one person was enough to beat all the experts of Green Leaf!

Brother Tiger was so worried that he quickly rushed to the iron cage. When the iron fence was opened, he immediately went into the cage and helped brother Dragon out.

In brother Dragon's eyes, there was a strong sense of unwillingness.

Helen's voice sounded again. "Who else wants to fight?"

This time, the crowd looked at each other. No one stood out.

Now if anyone wanted to stand up and say something, he must have extraordinary confidence in himself. He must have thought he was stronger than brother Dragon.

But who in the whole Green Leaf dared to say that they were stronger than brother Dragon?

Henry twisted his shoulders. He knew that he couldn't watch it any longer. Although Helen was sitting there calmly, she must have been very anxious. If he didn't do it now, God knew what she would do.

"Is there anyone else?" Helen asked again.


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