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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 14

Jenny organized her words and briefly told Henry about the development of holiday homes and the demolition of the welfare institution. Moreover, the company's strength was much stronger than Jenny's company, second only to Chow's Group, the second-largest group in Yinzhou City. If they wanted to move this welfare institution, Jenny could not save it at all.

As soon as Jenny finished speaking, she saw Henry squatting there, drawing something on the ground with his hand. Jenny's sight was blocked by Henry's back. When Jenny bypassed him to have a look, her mouth suddenly opened wide.

She saw that while she was talking, Henry had painted all the maps around the welfare home to the concrete ground in front of him. The various streets, including the bus route, extended to the downtown area at the same time!

If one had lived in a place for more than ten years, he might not be able to draw the topographic map of the street, and he could not even remember the terrain layout of his own community.

Jenny was confused, "How did he do it?"

Henry just finished drawing at this time. He threw the stone casually as if he had done a very ordinary thing. "Miss Qin, your company is doing trade business, right?"

"Yes." Jenny nodded gently.

Henry got up and looked at Jenny. The distance between them was less than 20 centimeters. At this moment, both of them could feel each other's breathing.

Jenny's heart skipped a beat at this time, and her little face could not help blushing.

Henry grinned and stretched out two fingers. "Now there are two ways to let you solve the problem in front of you. One is to be soft, stop these people from tearing down the welfare home, and the other one is to see if you have this ambition."

"What?" Jenny asked subconsciously.

"Before the authorities tear down the documents of the welfare institution, devour these people's companies! That is to say, do all of these things in three days!"

"What!" Jenny widened her eyes.

"I'll tell you about the concrete plan. Look at this topographic map." Henry pointed to the things he had just drawn on the ground and told Jenny, "Now in Yinzhou City, 99% of the housing prices are rising rapidly. Those people chose this place as the address of the Manor House for the official decision-making direction of this year. If there is no accident, the government will fully support the development of the new city this year."

"Why?" Jenny asked with a puzzled face. The official direction of development had always been extremely hidden. Even if the insiders had written down the documents, they could not be 100% sure.

"Look." Henry pointed at three places on the topographic map. "The location of Yinzhou City is in the northwest mountain. The north-east is the industrial park. Three of the fields were built this year. The two directions don't know how to develop. The map of the south-west direction is in Lin's hand this February. All of them are now. This southeast direction is the development area."

Hearing this, Jenny immediately understood, "So you mean that I should compete with them for this development area?"

"No!" Henry waved his hand. "I want you to blow up the mountain!"


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