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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 141

Amity looked at Jane and explained, "This is Mr. Homer from France. He's here to discuss cooperation with the company."

"Oh, from France?" Jane chuckled. "Anyone who comes has to register! Otherwise, they cannot go inside!"

Henry had been following Amity. When he saw what Jane had done, his face darkened. Jane was obviously making things difficult for Amity on purpose. If the customer who has a bad temper came to the company and was treated like this, they would probably just turn around and leave, and the customer that Amity had made great efforts to persuade would go away.

"Quickly, register!" Jane took out a booklet and threw it to the front table.

Amity ran to the front desk with an anxious face and said, "Jane, the company said that there is no need to register when the salesman brings customers to the company."

After Amity finished speaking, she looked at Homer carefully again. She was afraid that Homer would be unhappy.

Jane crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. "You said he is a client, but how can I be sure he is our client?"

"Sorry, I'll just register." Homer walked to the front desk.

If in other places, where Homer was, if someone dared to ask him to register, he would absolutely turn around and leave. However, today Henry asked him to come here. He had no arrogance at all. Even if Henry told Homer today, he had to kneel down before he gave the money, Homer would do so.

Homer's family in France was able to survive because of Henry. For Henry, Homer was not only respectful but also grateful. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to kneel down on one knee at the first sight of Henry. Not even the President of the world's most powerful nation could enjoy such treatment.

Amity said apologetically to Homer, "Mr. Homer, I'm truly sorry."

"It’s ok." Homer smiled and waved his hand. He said to Jane, "Young lady, can you give me a pen?"

"Didn't you bring your own pen?" Jane glared at Homer. "You're here for business without a pen? Are you here for real or are you just a liar?"

Hearing this, Homer looked at Henry. Henry stood there and smiled without saying a word.

Homer, who was in charge of a large financial group, had his own ability to judge people. He said to Jane unhappily, "Miss, this should not be your way of receiving guests."

"What's wrong? Get out of here if you don't like it. Our Lin family doesn't lack a client of yours. It's really interesting. How can you tell me how to treat guests?" Jane looked unhappy. "Get your own pen, or you can go out!"

"I have, I have a pen." Amity hurriedly took out a pen from her pocket and handed it to Homer.

Homer ignored Jane. He took the pen and wrote his name on the register book. After the registration, Amity was just about to take Homer to the reception room when she heard Jane's voice.

"Wait! What's your signature?" Jane picked up the registration book and pointed at the French on it.

Homer took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart as he said to Jane, "Girl, I am a French. This is my name."

"Hehe, don't you know how to write Chinese characters when you come to China? Come and rewrite it!" Jane slammed the registration book on the front stage and said, "If you can't write it, then come back after you have learned it!"

Obviously Jane was trying to ruin the business.

At this moment, Gina walked in through the company's gate with Ross.

"Hey, what is going on?" As soon as Gina entered the company's door, she saw that there was something wrong with the atmosphere here.

Jane smiled at Gina and said, "Manager Luo, people from your department don't need to register even when they are bringing guests."

"Hehe." Gina sneered and cast a glance at Homer beside Amity. "Tsk tsk, impressive. Guess someone paid a lot."


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