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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 150

Sea lake, a famous top-level scenic spot in Ning province, is a "silk road station" that combines the elegance of the water town in south China with the magnificence of the desert in north China.

Despite its name, what all can see here is not the familiar blue sea, but a sea of sand!

Located in the middle of a lake, the sand sea covers a total area of 800,000 square kilometers, of which the lake covers an area of 300,000 square kilometers and the rest is sand.

Among them, the sand sculptures were the most famous. Every year, masters from all over the world would come here. The contest for the best sand sculpture would be held in the sea lake, and there would be countless entertainment projects related to sand.

The sea lake was about 70 kilometres away from Yinzhou. It would take an hour's drive by the car. And as for bicycling to here, it might take one and a half hour for a professional rider and 3 hours for ordinary people.

Anyway, Henry and Sylvia came out to have fun today, and the scenery along the way was a kind of enjoyment. This was the first time that Sylvia took a bicycle out, so everything was fresh to her.

For Henry, physical strength was not what he should consider. Not to mention riding a bicycle for 70 kilometres, even walking so far with Sylvia on his back, he could also do that.

On the way, the two of them chatted and laughed. They did not feel bored at all.

Two hours passed. The midday sun was shining on the top of their heads, making the land hot and dry.

Henry was riding on the national highway. The green shade on both sides of the road provided a shadow from time to time, which ushered in a rare cool and refreshing atmosphere.

"President Lin, are you thirsty? Do you need a bottle of water?" In front of a roadside stall, Henry stopped the bicycle and bought two bottles of iced coke.

"Why do you drink coke?" Sylvia asked strangely.

"It's satisfying." Henry unscrewed the lid and took the lead in taking a big sip. "Uh... burp."

Henry burped and looked satisfied.

"I'd have a bottle of water." Sylvia put the coke on the stall and changed for a bottle of mineral water.

Henry gently unscrewed the cap for Sylvia, and Sylvia took a sip.

Henry could see that Sylvia's lips were already dry, which proved that she was very thirsty now, but she was still drinking water without hurry. This had something to do with Sylvia's habit that had been formed since she was a child.

"Well, 20 kilometres more to go. I will ride faster. Let's get to the lake earlier. We can play for the whole afternoon."

Henry got on the bike. Sylvia nodded and sat in the back seat.

Under the sun, Henry stretched out his arm, ready to wipe the sweat on his face. As soon as he lifted his arm, he saw a jade-like arm coming from behind. The small hand took a piece of tissue and wiped Henry's face.

This action made Henry's heart beat faster.


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