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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 158

In the conference room of the Yinzhou police station, the captain of the third team, Nat, and his partner, Eden Tian, were talking about what they should pay attention to in tonight's action.

"Everyone should pay high attention to it. This time the enemies are not normal people. You are the elites of the Silver Province police team. In the future, you are very likely to contact the enemies in this area. This time, you should take it as a learning opportunity. When it is safe for you, you can cooperate with arrest. The real arrest will be completed by us. From now on, everyone's mobile phones must be turned off. Before the operation is over, no one is allowed to contact anyone. Be ready to set off on time at 8 o'clock!"

At the entrance of the police station, Henry stretched himself. He had been here for a few hours. It was almost eight o'clock, and Helen still didn't come out.

Henry knew some of the Sharp Knife’s method of training new people. In the process of carrying out a mission, if they found someone was good to be budded, the Sharp Knife would allow these people to cooperate with the mission.

Now, obviously, Helen was also selected by the Sharp Knife, so she took part in this task. As the vice-captain of the Criminal Police Unit, Helen couldn't refuse.

However, Sharp Knife didn't find any trace of the Toyobas force at all. If they knew that the people of the Toyobas were also involved, the Sharp Knife would never bring some newcomers to learn and observe.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Henry finally waited for the meeting to end. He saw Helen, who was wearing a uniform, walking out of the police station. The rest of the people were behind Helen, each of them had a fierce temperament. Their eyesight was as sharp as an eagle's eyes, and they were not easy to deal with at first glance.

Henry and Helen’s eyes met. This glance made her happy. She was just thinking about how to inform Henry about how to deal with the Thorn Ci, but now she saw it.

"Why are you here?" Helen looked at Henry and asked.

"Helen, who is he?" A young man in a police uniform walked up to Helen and looked at Henry with an unfriendly look.

Henry had seen people from the police station in Yinzhou before, but he had never seen this young man. Looking at the young man's powerful posture, Henry guessed that he is from the Sharp Knife.

"My name is Henry, Helen’s boyfriend. I'm here to pick her up." Henry walked up and smiled.

"Boyfriend?" The young man looked Henry up and down, then he curled his lips and said, "Helen, how could you find such a weak person to be your boyfriend?"

For yesterday's date, Henry shaved his beard. Now he was wearing a shirt every day when he went to work. He looked less experienced and immature.

"Helen, deal with him." Nat, who was walking in front of Helen, turned back and said.

Helen nodded first and then smiled at Henry. "You go back first. I have something to do today."

While Helen spoke, she even winked at Henry a few times.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you say that we would have dinner together tonight? I have waited for you for so long. Come we are going to eat." Henry immediately grabbed Helen's wrist when he came up.

"Buddy! She's told you that we have something to do. Don't you understand?" The young man in police uniform slapped Henry's hand away in a bad mood.

"Who are you?" Henry also looked at the young man unhappily, and his eyes swept to the front of the young man's chest, where there was the young man's police ID and name. "Keith Tan? It's none of your business that I talk to my girlfriend!"

"Boy, watch your mouth." Keith Tan warned him.

"Haha." Henry chuckled. "If I don't, will I get beaten by a policeman?"

"You!" Keith Tan raised his fist and wanted to teach Henry a lesson.


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