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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 165

Tonight, Sylvia took Henry to a private party.

Sylvia said frankly that this party was only for a small circle made by some rich second generations in Ning Province. It was held almost once every two months to increase the connections of the people involved. After a few years, these rich second generations would gradually become the person in charge of their families' enterprises.

The venue of the party was a large outdoor club, located between Yinzhou City and Luohe City.

The boss of this large club was also one of the members of this gathering. His large outdoor club combined racing, climbing, and running.

The people who came to the party were all rich people, so it was not popular to show off how rich they are in the circle. Every time everyone would organize other activities. In recent years, except for a few people who still communicate with each other, the rest of the parties held by the rich second generation had become a kind of talent competition.

There would be a rock climbing match or racing match during the party.

In order to match the delicate and charming rose next to him, Henry especially changed into a tailored suit for himself. The size and accuracy were calculated in millimeters, and every detail of the design was according to Henry's figure. It was worn on Henry's body so that no one could find any flaw.

When Henry put on this suit, Sylvia's eyes lit up. She had seen this man wear this dress three times in total. The first time was when he played The First Love for her at the concert that day. The scene of that day would occasionally appear in Sylvia's mind. The second time, when she went to the Cheng family, Henry took out a pack of tea to change Mr. Cheng's attitude. This was the third time.

Sylvia thought about it carefully. The man beside her showed that he was extraordinary always. When she first saw him, she only thought that he was a man with no ability. For the money, he lived off the weak. But after being with him for some time, this man was like a mystery, which made her want to solve this mystery thoroughly.

A red Mercedes-Benz was driving on the national highway from Yinzhou to the Luohe city.

There were lots of mountains in the northwest. Sylvia came to the private club this time, which was built under the big mountain. The side of the mountain was cut like a knife, with a 90-degree angle, which was transformed into a place for climbing. A large area of open space on the side of the mountain was also specially transformed into a racing court. Although it was not as exaggerated as the F1 International track of Dubai, the track, which was 21 kilometers long, was top-notch in the whole Ning Province.

This private club was rarely opened to the public, so there was no problem to organize these exclusive parties. This was not a place to make profits at all.

In addition to the track and climbing on the mountain wall, there was also a special sports ground, a golf course, and so on, which people were familiar with.

Sylvia drove into the private outdoor club with Henry.

The club not only had so many outdoor activities venue, but also a leisure hall with all kinds of food. In general, you could enjoy something you never try before.

Henry saw that there was no car under million yuan in the huge parking lot at this time. Sylvia's red Mercedes-Benz logo was not eye-catching here.

When the car was steady, Henry got out of the car first. He ran to the driver's seat and opened the door for Sylvia in a very gentleman manner.

Henry's action made Sylvia cover her mouth and smile.

"Don't worry, President Lin. I'll do my best tonight, and I won't embarrass you!" Henry patted his chest and said.


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