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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 176

"I... I... I'm afraid..." Milan's eyes reddened, tears welling up in her eyes.

The surgeon had told her how difficult the surgery was. At that time, Milan was scared and did not know who to complain to. Now, seeing Henry, she could not control and burst into tears.

"Don't be afraid. It does not hurt. You can sleep well." Henry put one hand on Milan's cheek to comfort her, and with another hand, he gave a sign to the surgeon who came in with him.

The surgeon understood what he meant and prepared the anaesthetic. Then, he began to inject.

The high-intensity medical anaesthesia could make the patient fall into a state of sleep in a very short period of time.

After the injection, Milan's shaking body gradually calmed down and her tightened muscles began to relax. She felt her eyelids were very heavy. After seeing Henry gently pulling her hospital uniform, she could no longer restrain her fatigue and fell asleep.

"Scalpel, styptic cotton!"


"Tell me the data!"

Henry's voice sounded quickly and steadily. His speed was very fast, but every move was very stable.

"The next step is close to the heart, and I can't see it clearly with the instrument!" A female surgeon said anxiously.

When doing some chest and abdomen surgery, the most terrible thing was that the instrument could not see clearly. In this way, it would be very difficult for the surgeon to know the situation of the patient, and there would be no way to do it properly.

"I don't need any instruments." Henry took off his gloves. His hands had been sterilized, and there were no bacteria. "I need scalpel and lots of styptic cottons, observe the patient's breathing."

"Too much blood loss! Her breathing is weak!" The surgeon looked at the data on the monitor and frowned.

For this surgery, there are a total of two difficulties to overcome.

First, tumor removal. The tumor was connected to the heart with several blood tubes. Any carelessness in the process would cause a lot of blood loss in the patients.

Second, the patient's blood loss during the open-chest process would decrease the patient’s hematopoietic function. If the patient was open-chested for too long, her life would be in danger.

All in all, this was a high-intensity surgery that required a combination of speed and precision. Almost no one dared to say that they were sure that they could succeed in this surgery.

With the help of the instrument, the surgeons could clearly see the patient's condition and remove the tumor. But without it, they could only rely on the surgeon's hands.

Through the surgeon's touch, he could feel the places where the tubes were close to the heart and remove the tumour. The difficulty alone was enough to make the three experienced female surgeons’ shudders. If there was a deviation of less than half a centimetre, it would cause serious problems.

Time passed by, and Henry's breathing was steady. He closed his eyes, and the movements of his hands were steady and fast.

Outside the surgical room, President Ma and a group of surgeons were waiting anxiously.

After one hour and seven minutes, the red light in the operating room turned green.

When the door of the operating room was opened, President Ma and others immediately surrounded them.


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