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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 182

At 9:30 in the morning, in addition to the office of the Minister of Security, there were also many other important people who found black cards in their offices.

At 10 in the morning, several helicopters took off from capital and headed for the same destination, Ning province.

There were powerful figures sitting in each of the helicopters. These people were very nervous at this moment. Although the people who just came to their office did not say who was deliberately slandered or framed in Ning province Military Region, it was certainly not an ordinary person.

Yinzhou City.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Nick yawned once, pushed away the young model who was sleeping soundly beside him, and got up from the bed. Looking at the bright sky, he put on his clothes and strode toward the military region.

Luxury Village.

Sylvia's eyes were red, her eye bags were very deep. She sat on the sofa for a whole night. At 8 o'clock in the morning, she began to make phone calls trying to contact anyone who could help. Some people who were full of confidence told Sylvia that there was nothing they could do after talking to the military region of Ning province.

Now, Sylvia had searched almost all the connections that she could use, but the result was not satisfactory. No one could help her.

Someone said to Sylvia, "President Lin, this time, the person you are looking to help has offended a big dog. In Ning province, no one can help!"

Sylvia's hair was messy, and she didn't look like herself at all. Her clothes were wrinkled because she had been sitting all night. She looked haggard, and her eyes were red. She stared at the mobile phone, glancing at the contacts on the phone repeatedly.

In the end, Sylvia's eyes were fixed on a phone number. The owner of the phone number was Sam.

Sylvia slowly let out a murky breath and dialed the number. In just a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Hello, Sylvia."

"Sam, can you help me?" In Sylvia's voice, there was no longer her previous self-confidence. Now she was like a little woman, extremely helpless.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked on the phone.

"My husband, something bad has happened to him..."

Nick came to the military region of Ning province with some people and stood in front of a detention room. There was a sneer on Nick's face.

Captain Lee stood in front of the door. After seeing Nick, he bowed his head and called him Master Ning.

Nick looked at the detention room and asked, "Has he been locked in there all the time?"

"Yes." Captain Lee nodded and said, "It has been 12 hours, and there is no movement inside. This person must have gone crazy."

This detention room was not used to punish people, but to train. Some elites would be locked up here when undergoing psychological training. Until now the record of staying sane in this room was three hours and eight minutes. It was said by those who had stayed here that this kind of cold and damp, dark, and secluded environment could easily drive people crazy and break people!


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