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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 184

Such a big role had been framed by the Ning province Military Region!

Now, the minister of security was filled with fear. If the organization did not come to inform him but directly solve the problem in the most violent way, what would the situation be like now?

He did not even dare to think about the consequences.

Nick, who was held down by the guards, looked at the head of the Ministry of State Security and other people. Although he was the son of the top leader of the Ning Province military region, he did not know and had no impression of these people. He had never paid attention to these things.

"Who the h*ll are you? What are you doing?"

The Minister of State Security asked back, "Let me ask you first, is there anything wrong with the man in the room? Why did he deserve to be tortured like this?"

"This has nothing to do with you..."


Nick had just talked back, but Will Ning slapped his face.

Will Ning shouted, "Enough! Shut up!"

Nick covered his face and looked at Will Ning. He felt ashamed.

"Dad, you..."

"Apologize!" Will Ning slapped Nick's face again.

The minister of security waved his hand and said, "All right, you don't need to apologize. Commander Ning, how to deal with your son and how to deal with the investigation is all up to the next step. Now, open the door quickly."

"Yes! Yes!" Will Ning nodded repeatedly and ordered Captain Lee to open the door.

As the door opened, the Minister of State Security walked to the door. Looking at the person inside, he was afraid that the person inside would start getting angry.

The minister of security was not afraid of Henry, but he was very clear about Henry's identity. If Henry got angry, anyone related would be affected.

When the door opened, a shout came, which made the Minister of Security stunned. He stood at the door and looked at the person inside.

"Sir, sir!" A guard came into the room and gently shook Henry's body.

"Hmm?" Henry looked at the guard with drowsy eyes. "What's the matter? Why did you turn off the heater?"

"Well..." Hearing Henry's words, the guard was a little speechless.

As the guard of the minister of security, he was naturally the elite among the elites. He had also received this kind of psychological training. When the eight lamps were turned on, the room was simply not suitable for people.

But what about this man in front of him? Not only did he fall asleep, but he also regarded the eight-strong spotlights, which were enough to kill people, as a bath heater!

Henry opened his eyes forcefully to get rid of the sleepiness. He looked at the minister of security and said, "Oh, it's you. Why are you here?"

Henry's words made the Minister of Security snide. "Why am I here? Your people have almost surrounded our office. Did I have a choice?"


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