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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 190

Seeing that Henry had nothing to say, Sylvia did not continue to speak. Henry's distrust made Sylvia angry.

Neither of them spokes a word along the way.

When they got home, once Henry had just stopped the car, Milan and Anna rushed out of the house in a hurry.

"Henry, where is Sylvia? Have you got in touch with Sylvia?" Milan asked anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Sylvia opened the front seat with doubts.

When they saw Sylvia, Milan and Anna let out a long sigh of relief.

Milan patted her chest and said, "Sylvia, it's good that you're all right, it's good that you're all right. I was really worried about you now."

"What's the matter?" Sylvia was confused.

"Didn't Henry tell you?" Milan looked at Henry and immediately said, "Someone attacked us just now. After Henry subdued that person, he rushed to find you. We were afraid that something bad would happen to you. I called you but you did not answer it. I thought something bad had happened to you!"

Sylvia's heart skipped a beat as she heard Milan's words. "You've been calling me all this time because of this?"

"Why else? Everyone knows that you, President Lin, are so busy. Who dares to call you all the time? It's good that you're all right." Milan took Sylvia's hand and said, "Come in. Anna said that there are still attackers hiding in the dark and you'd better stay in the house safely."

Sylvia's pretty face was suddenly full of shame. She looked at Henry, but Henry had already walked into the house and dragged out the ponytail girl. Henry's hand knife was very powerful, so the other party was still not clear-headed.

Henry opened the Mercedes-Benz door, threw the ponytail girl in the front seat, and then sat on the main driver himself. After telling Anna to pay attention, he drove away from the yard.

Staring at the taillights of the Mercedes-Benz GT from afar, Milan looked at Sylvia strangely and said, "Sylvia, did you quarrel with Henry? Why do I feel that there is something wrong between you two?"

"No...no." Sylvia waved her hand, looking a little embarrassed.

Just now, she was angry because Henry did not trust her. But now she knew that Henry called her so many times because such a thing happened. In every missed call, Sylvia could feel the anxiety and concern. But she got angry with Henry because of this matter.

At this moment, Sylvia felt that she had gone too far!

Henry drove directly to the suburbs. At the same time, Henry sent a message to Wade White.

In an abandoned factory in the suburb of the city, it was the place where the battle between the Sharp Knife and Toyobas took place last time. The ponytail girl was sitting on a bench and slowly waking up.

The first thing she did when she woke up was to observe the surrounding environment. The crimson clouds in the sky proved that it was already evening. The factory was very empty, and she did not see anyone around her.

The woman with the ponytail had a suspicious look on her face. She gently moved her limbs but didn’t find any ropes around her body.

After observing these, the ponytail girl slowly stood up from the bench, looked in the direction of the factory exit, and walked over.

"Where are you going?" As soon as the girl stepped out of the factory entrance, she heard a voice coming from the side. She looked in the direction of the voice, and the person who made the sound was a young man. It was not the man who knocked her out this afternoon, but a man who looked very positive. His face was still a little tender, like a handsome boy on TV.

The ponytail girl stared at the young man coming over and made a defensive gesture. "Who are you?"


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