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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 192

Henry shook his head and looked at Wade. "Okay, no more nonsense. You know what I want to talk to you about."

After hearing Henry's words, Wade, who was greeting to the beauty at the next table, looked much more serious.

"Boss, shouldn't you already have an answer in your heart?" Wade shook the wine cup in his hand and gulped down the wine in it. "As for the Fire Crystal design, if no one were to add fuel to the fire, who would dare to openly say that the final design is in your hands?"

Henry sighed and asked, "Who do you think it is?"

"It's hard for me to say." Wade shook his head.

"It's hard to say, or you don't want to think about it?" Henry asked.

"This..." Wade opened his mouth, wishing to say something, but then stopped.

Henry smiled and picked up his glass. "At that time, we climbed out of a pile of dead people. For so many years, we have travelled to a lot of places together. What we haven't experienced? The most intolerable thing is betrayal."

Henry put the glass of wine in front of him, and his eyes passed through the wine in the glass. Everything in front of him became illusory.

"Actually, I've already made it very clear. From now on, I don't want to participate in these wars anymore and want to live a normal life with my wife. That's what I want, but someone just doesn't want to see me alive. Tell me, is the person behind all this Alex or Jordan?"

When Henry Zhang mentioned these two names, Wade's face suddenly changed.

These two names mentioned by Henry, each of them could cause a great disturbance in the underground world.

Alex and Jordan were called the leaders of hell. From this nickname, one could see how powerful these two people were.

"It's late today. I have to go home. Let's meet tomorrow." Henry raised his head and drank up the wine in the glass. "You come with me to visit Viper Rose tomorrow. Whoever is behind this, I can deal with it. If they want to hurt my wife, they have to pay the price! Since they want to test me, let them take a good look at how big my anger is!"

In Yinzhou, everything looked calm on the surface, but there was already a storm beneath.

The next morning, after Henry waited for Sylvia to get up. He told Sylvia that he would not go to the company today, so he left home early. In front of Luxury Village, a world limited edition Aston Martin was waiting for him at dawn.

Sylvia nodded to Henry calmly. After he left, she pouted and said, "Henry Zhang, don't be so petty!"

On the table today, there was no breakfast prepared by Henry, which made Sylvia feel a little uncomfortable. Those breakfast stalls were not comparable to Henry's cooking skills at all.

When Sylvia arrived to work, she saw Sam standing in front of the company's entrance.

"Sylvia, you finally came." As soon as Sam saw Sylvia's car stop, he strode over.

"What's wrong?" Sylvia asked strangely.

"Here's the thing. There's something I need your help with." Sam looked a little embarrassed. "My team was suddenly assigned a task. They have to perform an emergency safety manoeuvre, such as rescuing the hostages. I would like to use your building as the site of the manoeuvre. Look..."

Sylvia did not expect this to happen. After thinking about it, she nodded her head and said, "Sure, you can tell me the time. I'll arrange it."

"Sylvia, thank you so much." Sam looked excited. "Can we do it this afternoon? The manoeuvre only takes two hours."

"Okay." Sylvia agreed. "Then it will be between four o'clock and six o'clock in the afternoon. I'll arrange my schedule. Do you need my company to do something for you?"

"No, no." Sam waved his hand repeatedly. "You've already done me a great favour by letting us do it in your building. How dare I trouble you more?"


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