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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 194

The button for the eleventh floor was pressed again. This time, there was no stopping between floors, instead, they went straight to the top floor.

A smile crept over the corners of Henry's mouth.

Many years ago, Henry went to a family by himself for one thing and warned the head of that family.

Henry was not aggressive. On the contrary, he had always been very polite. Therefore, the head of the family did not take Henry's words seriously. The final result was that the family was completely subverted.

Someone had once said a thing in the underground world. The more polite a person was, the easier he would be bullied. On the contrary, the more fierce the storm was, the quieter the prelude would be.

Henry looked harmless, but in fact, he was angry. No one in the whole underground world dared to face him face to face.

Nickname Satan was not for nothing.

The elevator was going up floor by floor. Wade took out a butterfly knife and put it in his hand to play.

When the elevator reached the tenth floor, Henry took out a dark gold ring and put it on his hand.

The instant White Rose's gaze turned towards the dark golden ring, her legs became weak and she almost knelt down.

"It's... the Holy... Holy Ring... You... you're..." White Rose widened her eyes and stared at Henry in disbelief.

"Don't doubt what I said." Henry glanced at her.

When the elevator door opened, Mr. Xu stood at the entrance of the elevator with more than a dozen bodyguards. When they saw the masked man in the elevator, Mr. Xu and others were shocked because the mask was too lifelike.

"Lara, you..." The young man opened his mouth and wanted to talk to White Rose, but he didn't know what to say. The goddess in his heart obeyed others so much, which made his heart cold.

White Rose ignored the young man and walked out of the elevator. Then, under the young man's shocked gaze, she knelt on the ground.

This scene caused the young man's heart to feel as if it was being twisted by knives.

He had always been proud of his family, but all the scenes he had seen today were cutting his arrogant heart piece by piece.

Henry and Wade walked out of the elevator. Without looking at White Rose, who was kneeling on the ground, they walked past her.

When Henry strode forward, White Rose hugged Henry's calf, with a pleading look in her beautiful eyes.

"Have you thought it over?" Henry touched the ring on his right index finger. "If you have, tell me."

"Yes, I've made up my mind." White Rose nodded, her voice full of fear.

"Okay, get up." Henry waved his hand and took off the ring on his hand.

At the same time, Wade took off his mask.

Seeing this scene, White Rose's trembling heart, which was because of fear, was stabilized. At this moment, she gasped. In the few minutes, she seemed to have used up all her strength. Her whole body was soaked in sweat, and she felt that her limbs were weak.

White Rose slowly got up, moved her long white legs, pushed open the door of the company, and invited Henry in.

Henry entered and looked around. It was no different from an ordinary company. Anyone who came to see it would not think that this was a killer organization.

New Yearned Entertainment was somewhat famous in Yuanshi. First, this company was really big. There were many entertainment centres in the city, and they were all related to this company. Second, this company did not have any male employees. It was full of beautiful women.

But who would have thought that these attractive beauties were all roses with thorns?

Watching Henry and Wade walk into the company, the beauty at the front desk of the company was about to speak when she heard the sound of White Rose.


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