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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 203

Henry listened to Amity's explanation and smiled silently.

But it was reasonable. In today's society, A girl who just graduated and she drove a car worth more than a million would indeed remind people of something bad. Moreover, today was the opening of her friend's KTV, so her friend should be today's protagonist. As a result, if Amity drove in a car like that, wouldn't she steal the show?

Henry and Amity stood there for a while and saw a group of people coming over. They were all very young. The leading young girl greeted Amity as soon as she saw her.

"Amity, you're here so early. Who is this?" The young girl looked at Henry from head to toe.

"This is Brother Henry, my colleague." Amity introduced these young people. "Brother Henry, this is Lok Fu, this KTV is run by her."

"Hello, beauty." Henry greeted Lok and observed her at the same time. Her clothes were branded, but it could be seen that there were two calluses in her palm. The place where calluses came from was a secret place like the place between the thumb and forefinger, which was worn out by hard work.

From this point of Henry's analysis, her family was not very wealthy before. Recently, they started having some money, wearing famous brands and opened a KTV.

Lok also looked at Henry, but his clothes did not interest her. She just said hello to him and looked at the Amity. "Amity, have you found the cars for me?"

"Lok, our company's cars can't be borrowed, but Brother Henry said that he would help us find a car." Amity apologetically said to her.

"Oh." Hearing what Amity said, Lok was a little disappointed. She was not interested in what Amity said that Henry could find a car for her. How could an ordinary dressed person find a luxury car for her? Speaking of those shabby cars with hundreds of thousands of yuan, it was not disgraceful enough.

"I say, Amity, Lok's KTV is big business, how can you not take it seriously?"

"That's right." The people behind Lok also spoke at this time, "We all thought that you could find some cars, but you failed at the critical moment."

Amity lowered her head and fell silent at these words.

At this moment, a white and clean young man in ordinary clothes ran over and said, "Lok! Am I late?"

At the sight of this young man, Amity suddenly became nervous. This small change naturally did not escape Henry's sight. Henry guessed that this must be the sweetheart of Amity.

"Justin Wu, you are the slowest. You are still chasing her. What can you catch up with?" A girl standing behind Lok said with her arms folded.

Justin embarrassedly scratched the back of his head and said, "I'm sorry, I just took a leave."

Lok looked at Justin with disgust and said, "All right, look at yourself, what kind of clothes are you wearing? Go buy a new one."

While speaking, she threw a thousand to Justin.

"Okay, okay, I'll go now." Justin took the money with a happy face and trotted away to buy clothes.

At the sight of this, Amity's face turned pale.

"Well, the opening ceremony is set to be at five o'clock. It's early now. Let's go in and have fun." Lok glanced at Justin with disdain, then waved her hand and beckoned everyone to go to her karaoke to sing.

The group of people chose the largest box, and Lok even asked the waiter to bring wine and drinks casually.

With a bottle of drink in hand, Amity sat by the side drinking her wine.


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