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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 27

"Just call me by my full name." Sylvia's attitude towards Ben was a little cold. Because yesterday, Ben kept on urging Sylvia to drink and proposed some flirtatious wine games. If it weren't for Sylvia's long experience in business and many parties, she couldn't think of a way to refuse.

Last night, Sylvia also told Ben that she was married, but he did not retreat at all. After three rounds of drinking, he confessed to Sylvia that he likes her in front of many old classmates, which made her extremely embarrassed.

"Sylvia, we're old classmates. What are you doing?" Ben ignored her words and walked straight to her. He reached out his hand to grab Sylvia's wrist.

Sylvia stepped back and escaped from Ben's grasp.

"Ben, be respectful. Milan, let's go!" Sylvia glared at Ben with anger in her eyes, pulled Milan up, and walked to the concert.

Looking at Sylvia's beautiful back, Ben's eyes were aggressive. He adjusted his red wine suit slightly and said with a playful smile, "Bitch, I'll see how long you can remain arrogant. You'll beg me one day!"

In the police station of Yinzhou City.

Henry swaggered out of the police station under Helen's murderous gaze. He took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was ten o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly, his heart jolted.

"D*mn! I was supposed to go to the concert today! D*mn it!" Henry, who had always been calm, suddenly started to panic. Even in the rain of bullets, he could just walk idly in the courtyard. At this moment, he seemed to have encountered big trouble.

Henry made a phone call and asked someone to check the time of the concert. When he learned that the concert was not over until 1:30 p.m., he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that I still have time, but I have to find a way to remedy it." Henry looked in the direction of the city and slowly let out a sigh of relief.

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, two uniformed traffic police officers stood on the streets around the Yinzhou Music Center every 50 meters. The parking lot of the Music Center was full of luxury cars. Looking at the license plate number, most of them came from other provinces. Many people were willing to rush here for the concert by Pajiv.

A world limited Aston Martin stopped in front of the music studio. A handsome young man, dressed in casual clothes, leaned against the door and chatted with two young girls in front of him. The two girls laughed from time to time and winked at the handsome young man.

Henry, wearing a suit, appeared in front of the music studio with sweat all over his head. When he saw the handsome young man, he waved at him.

The young man, who was smiling cheekily at the two girls a few seconds ago, immediately became serious when he saw Henry. He ignored the two girls and ran to him. "Boss, you're finally here."

"Where is Pajiv?" Henry asked directly.

If someone heard Henry's words, they would be very surprised. No one would be disrespectful when they mentioned the name of Pajiv. There were also the words "master", but Henry's tone sounded like a teacher asking where his students were.

"He has been waiting inside for a long time. Originally, he wanted to play 13 songs at this concert. Now he just played four songs. Come on, boss, you are dressed so formally today. Are you going to go on stage to perform?" The handsome young man asked doubtfully.

"Yeah." Henry nodded.


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