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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 31

"Aiya." The young man sighed, then turned around and shouted at the people in the bar, "Did you hear what Captain Han said? Now everyone must go to the police station. No one is allowed to leave without Captain Han. Hurry up!"

As soon as the young man's voice fell, a group of people poured out of the bar. When everyone saw Helen Han, they all lowered their heads and respectfully said "Good afternoon", and then ran out of the bar. Some of them drove or took a taxi and went to the police station.

Seeing this scene, Helen was angry. When she was about to speak again, the young man also flattered, "Captain Han, I'll go to the police station first."

After that, the young man ran away quickly.

In the face of this scene, Helen gasped with her chest up and down. The thin summer police uniform could not cover her chest.

Henry stood at the door of the bar. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but grin. He felt it was funny. He didn't expect that this little policewoman was so deterrent in front of these club members.

"What are you laughing at?" Helen's cold voice rang out in front of Henry. "Do you know what kind of trouble you've caused? You come here alone to fight with others. You want to die! From now on, you have to report every day's action for me. Do you understand?"

"Why?" Henry was confused. "Beauty, I am not a criminal, okay?"

"You are in trouble because you have gotten involved in the fight with this gang, either do as I say and report to me every day, or go to the police station to drink tea with me?" Helen said as she took out a pair of handcuffs shining with cold light from her waist.

"OK! OK!" Seeing the woman's posture, Henry immediately made a gesture. "Beauty, give me your phone number. I'll report to you every day, okay?"

After telling Henry her phone number, Helen warned, "Remember, don't play tricks!"

"Yes, I am a law-abiding citizen!" Henry said righteously.

In the Lins Group, Yinzhou City

Sylvia sat on her desk and looked at the documents brought by the secretary.

The secretary, Cathy, stood in front of Sylvia's desk and reported to her, "President Lin, there are a lot of rumors outside. They say that there are many enterprises that are unfavorable to Lins Group and they want to terminate their cooperation with us."

"Oh." Sylvia chuckled. "Not satisfied with Lins Group? I think they are not satisfied with me."

"Er..." Cathy opened her mouth but could not say anything.

Sylvia stretched out her right hand and kept knocking on the table. "Let me guess. It's said that my grandfather is dying and Lins Group is going to pass to others. I, Sylvia, am going to leave the company soon, right?"

Cathy lowered her head and said nothing.

"Some people can't bear it." Sylvia threw the documents in front of her into the trash can and leaned against the office chair. "Tell those who stopped cooperating that from now on, no matter what Lins Group has developed, they won't be accepted as partners. At the same time, tell everyone who wants to finish cooperation to do it as soon as possible!"

"Understood." Cathy nodded and left the office.

In the large president's office of Lins Group, only Sylvia was left. A self-deprecating smile appeared on the woman's delicate face. "Will the so-called family use such insidious methods?"

Henry stood at the gate of Spring Residential Home and sent a message to Helen. Then he walked into the gate of the welfare house.


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