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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 36

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the exhibition center was specially prepared for an auction. As the auction site, there were a lot of people present.

Henry knew that generally, this kind of charity auction would be more lively than the ordinary auction. If there was a charity auction in any place, the local entrepreneurs would be invited. This kind of invitation could not be refused by many people. Otherwise, the headlines of the next day would be about you.

There were 500 seats in the hall, which were full at this time. Dan, Sylvia, and some well-known businessmen in Ning Province were all sitting in the first row.

When Dan saw Henry again, the appreciation in his eyes was gone. He glanced at him calmly and then looked away.

Ben sat not far from Dan and sneered at Sylvia. He was confident that he could ruin her reputation today. Not to mention anything else, Sylvia's husband was enough to breakthrough. If the media knew that Henry was a so-called well-known artist, her reputation would be ruined!

Traditional Chinese painting auction began under the leadership of an elder auctioneer.

In the beginning, the paintings that appeared were only worth thousands of dollars. These paintings were the most popular and there were a lot of people who rushed to bid for them because many people at present did not come to buy paintings at all. They were just a stunt. In the future, when they were interviewed, they could say that they did give something to charity. As for the quality of the paintings, they did not care. What they wanted was that they could spend the least money today to gain the fame of a philanthropist.

These cheaper paintings came from some new artists. Gradually, the works of famous masters started appearing, whose value was at tens of thousands of dollars. Most of the people who could buy them now were those who really liked paintings.

During this period, Dan took over pieces he liked several times.

Soon, the auction reached its climax.

The voice of the auctioneer went through the microphone and spread throughout the hall. "Everyone knows that in our country, there are three famous painting masters in the Tang Dynasty. Next, we will take out a famous piece of Master Yan's work, Winter Plum, to be auctioned. After being verified by the official departments, this painting is authentic. 80% of the harvest of this auction will be donated to the Red Union. The starting price of this painting is 100,000 yuan. Please bid."

Dan sat in his seat and looked at the Winter Plum on the stage. There was something wrong with his face.

Now he was eager to know whether this painting was authentic or not. If it was true, then the one he bought three years ago was fake? But the one three years ago was also approved by officials. Could there be two more winter plums in this world?

Dan was struggling whether he should take action or not. As a collector of traditional Chinese paintings, he would not allow himself to have a fake one at home, nor allow this kind of authentic one to be lost in front of him.

In the process of hesitating, the price of this painting had been raised to 800,000 yuan.

Henry sat on the seat, crossed his legs, and put his hands behind his head. "Milan, you just said that Sylvia wants to cooperate with the man surnamed Fong. If we can reach a cooperation, how much profits will the company have?"

"It's not a profit, it's a prospect. About the future of Lins Group, if we can really cooperate with President Fong, I can pay any price." Sylvia said firmly.

"Oh, I see." Henry nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, the price of the painting had risen to three million yuan, while the auctioneer had shouted for three million yuan for the second time.

Dan who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but think, whether it was true or not, he couldn't see the picture being taken away by someone in front of him. Even if it was fake, he had to confirm it himself!

Dan picked up the auction badge in his hand and was about to speak when he heard a lazy voice beside him. "Five million."


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