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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 40

In Helen's eyes, Henry was obviously not afraid of her. Looking at the sloppy man in front of her, she was very angry.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, I warn you, you'd better not let me catch you, otherwise, the Lin family will not be able to keep you safe. Get out!" Helen opened the door of the office. Her face was flushed with anger and her chest was undulating, which made the police officers at the door admire Henry again.

Awesome, he was really awesome.

Henry laughed and strode out of the police station.

Henry returned home. Before he entered the room, he smelled the smell of food. He could guess that this must be Milan's cooking.

"The dishes are creative and full of ideas, but they are not skilled enough and there is a lack of experience," Henry murmured to himself while opening the door.

The moment he entered the room, Henry smiled, because he saw the woman in the room. Every time he saw Sylvia, Henry would be happy from the bottom of his heart. Every time they met, his heart beat faster like a teenager's first love. As time went by, his love for Sylvia had been engraved into his bones.

"You're back? Wash your hands and get ready for dinner." Sylvia glanced at Henry and greeted him.

He didn't know if it was because Milan was also at home. He could feel that Sylvia's attitude towards him was not as bad as before. At least, the disgust in her eyes had disappeared when she looked at him.

"Okay." Henry happily greeted them and went to the bathroom to wash up.

What Milan made this time was not a French cuisine, but an ordinary home-cooked dish. But this kind of home-cooked food became not ordinary in her hands.

When she saw Henry, there was a struggle in her eyes. Before, she was thinking about how to expose Zhang Xufeng and expose the true face of this liar. But after what happened today, she suddenly found that this person seemed to have helped Sylvia a lot. Without him, the crisis of Lin's Group would not just be a loss of money.

If this man really wanted to be nice to Sylvia, why would she expose him? Now, Milan was really in a dilemma.

Today's dinner, three home-cooked dishes, and the atmosphere of dinner was very harmonious. At the dinner table, Sylvia and Henry did not speak much. From their expressions, it seemed that they both enjoyed such a time.

Sylvia took a bite of rice and suddenly looked up and asked, "By the way, Henry, what are you planning to do tomorrow?"

Henry shook his head. "No plans, why?"

"Accompany me to visit my family tomorrow. Everybody will be there." Sylvia said. When she spoke, she kept staring at Henry as if she was looking forward to something.

"Okay." Henry nodded without hesitation.

Sylvia smiled with satisfaction.

After dinner, the evening news was broadcast on TV. Sylvia would pay attention to it almost every night, and Henry would wash her feet and do some sole massage at this time.

Sitting on the sofa, Milan watched Henry massage Sylvia carefully. She couldn't help but think of the scene that she wanted to seduce the man that night. Thinking of this, Milan blushed and became nervous. After sitting here for a while, she felt uncomfortable.


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