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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 48

At a villa in Swan Lake-town of Yinzhou.

"Trash! What a fu*king waste!" Richard crazily smashed the furniture in front of him, with his eyes full of anger. The beautiful nanny lowered her head and shrank aside, not daring to say a word.

The handsome Ben Song was on the ground with a purple face. The broken furniture smashed all over his whole body. His eyes were full of resentment, but he dared not express any dissatisfaction.

"I gave you so much money, and you just work like that?" Richard stepped on Ben's hand and crushed it left and right. "You can't even handle a homeless dog. Why should I pay the debt for you?"

At the moment when Ben's finger was stepped on, it was covered with blood. He clenched his teeth in pain and dared not say a word.

"Bah!" Richard spat on Ben's face. "I'll give you one last chance. I don't care what method you use. Even if you kill that b*tch, you have to solve the problem for me, or you'll have to consider the consequences yourself! Get out of here!"

As soon as Richard lifted his foot, Ben rushed to the door and ran out.

Richard snorted and hooked his finger at the little nanny standing near the wall. The little nanny looked at Richard with fear. She slowly took off her coat, and there was a bloodstain on her white neck.

Henry was at home. After cleaning the floor, he looked at the smooth floor with a satisfied smile on his face.

Looking at the time, it was 5:30 p.m. Henry was going to fiddle with the flowers and plants in the yard when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. It was Sylvia.

Henry felt a sweet feeling in his heart. He had saved Sylvia's phone number for a while, but this was the first time that she called him.

"Hello, President Lin."

"Go to Yinzhou University. Daisy wants to move to the dormitory. She seems to have a lot of things. She is calling you to help her. I'll send you her phone number later. That's it." Sylvia finished the matter on the phone in one breath. Before Henry could answer, she hung up the phone.

Henry had just heard clearly on the phone that there was a phone ringing from Sylvia's side. She must be very busy.

When the phone prompt rang, Sylvia had already sent Daisy's phone to Henry.

Henry stretched himself, put on his beach pants and a white tanktop, and walked to the Yinzhou University.

Yinzhou University was located in the center of Yinzhou. There were three campus blocks with the street in the middle. This snack street was the place with the most visitors on the weekend in Yinzhou. The whole street had been on the must-visit list in China.

Henry came to the west campus of Yinzhou University and called Daisy. Daisy was very happy after receiving Henry's call. She asked Henry to stand at the gate of the west campus and she would come to find him.

After waiting for about five minutes at the school gate, Henry saw a group of girls walking toward him. The leader was Daisy Xu.

He had never paid much attention to Daisy before, and this time he looked at this girl carefully.

Her yellow hair was slightly curly. She wore a white T-shirt with a kitten's face on it. Her figure was not too sexy. She looked more like a little girl. She wore a pair of cropped jeans and a pair of white canvas shoes, looking very young.

Daisy's facial features were exquisite. Although she was not as startling as Sylvia, she was definitely a beautiful woman. She kept wearing a smile on her face, which made people have a good impression of her at first sight.

"Brother-in-law, you are here!" Daisy ran to Henry and greeted him.


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