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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 50

Amy saw that in the room, there were several beautiful and sexy women surrounding a fat middle-aged man. One of them was sitting on the fat middle-aged man's legs and drinking with him.

"Hey, there are a few more beautiful women. Come in and have a drink." The fat middle-aged man's eyes brightened when he saw Amy. He stretched out his fat hand and kept waving at her.

Standing at the door, Lam was also shocked by the scene in front of her. She didn't expect that these people played so crazily. She saw that the beauty sitting on the middle-aged fat man was the one who entered the company with her at that time.

"Lam, hurry up!" A man in his thirties looked surprised when he saw Lam. Among the girls he called here tonight, the best body belonged to Sun Lan. Tonight, he was waiting for Lam to come to drink with him.

"Manager, I... I..." Lam stood at the door and dared not enter. She stammered.

"What are you talking about? Boss Wong has asked about you several times. You are late. You should drink three cups of wine first as a punishment!" The manager kept winking at Lam.

Boss Wong was the fat middle-aged man. At this time, he stared at Lam with a sly look and sized her up from head to toe. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips disgustedly.

"What punishment? If you want to drink, go and drink by yourself. We came here today because we want Lam's previous salary!" Amy picked up a wine glass and smashed it on the ground.

The sound of breaking wine glasses made the whole room fall into a strange silence.

"Who the hell are you? Are you here to make trouble?" The manager with his hair combed behind his back stood up from his seat and looked at Amy arrogantly. "Little girl, you must have come to the wrong place for trouble!"

Mr. Wong waved at the door of the room. "Alas, young people are ignorant and inexperienced. Lady, come on, sit down and drink with us. Let's leave all of this in the past. What do you think?"

The arrogant manager nodded to Mr. Wong with a smile, and then looked at Amy. "Have you heard what Mr. Wong said? Come and drink with him and admit your mistake. I will pretend that nothing has happened."

"What if I say no?" Amy stared at the manager.

"No?" The manager smiled. "Since you don't know what's good for you, then today, no one will leave!"

The manager picked up a glass and threw it at Amy's feet. The glass was smashed in front of her. The broken glass debris gradually kicked Amy. At the same time, a large group of strong men appeared in the corridor of the restaurant and surrounded the door. There were over eight people.

When Henry saw this scene, he shook his head and walked into the box with his shoulders shivering. He looked around to see if there was any stuff that could be used in this situation.

Seeing Henry's intentions, Daisy stretched out her hand to pull Henry's sleeve and shook her head at him. She knew what he wanted to do just by looking at his appearance. Daisy did not doubt that Henry dared to beat people in this room. In other people's eyes, Mr. Wong and the manager of this model company might be successful, but in front of Lin's Group, they were as weak as ants. Henry beat Richard at that time, so how could he not dare to beat these people?

"Brother-in-law, don't do it. Amy can solve it." Daisy whispered to him.

Henry looked at Amy in surprise, and then he felt relieved. This woman dared to come to make trouble aggressively. Now she was still fearless in the face of so many strong men. Who could believe that she didn't have a trump card?

Thinking of this, Henry gave up the preparation to kill these people directly. He simply stood beside Amy to prevent her from being hurt.

Henry's action was weak in the eyes of these strong men. There was only a man like him hiding behind the woman.


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