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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 54


With another scream, Henry ignored the middle-aged woman and broke another person's arm. In front of him, even if these strong men in suits had wanted to hide, how could they dodge? Attacking him? Who dared to do that? These people had been scared out of their wits by Henry!

"Boy, you are very arrogant! But do you know which territory you are making trouble in?" The middle-aged woman was so angry with Henry's action that her chest rose and fell, but her eyes were contradictory and she did not dare to look at him. She was afraid that this person would put the next target on her.

Henry, who was preparing to go to the next person, suddenly turned around and gnashed his white teeth at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman was shocked by Henry's action and took a few steps back.

Wade's two followers were lying on the side, watching Henry alone make such a big deterrent. Not only did the middle-aged woman retreat, but also the group of strong men in suits did not even dare to move. They recalled their words and deeds before, saying that Henry was a coward and a good-for-nothing. Now they wanted to find a crack to hide in.

Henry looked at the middle-aged woman with a smile and asked, "Whose territory is it?"


The middle-aged woman spoke. When she said these two words, her eyes were full of strong self-confidence.

As was known to all, the leading business in Yinzhou City was the Lins Group. Robert Lin, the founder of the Lins Group, had an unshakable position in the business circle of Yinzhou, and the Chow's Group was second only to the Lins Group! Some people even privately said that if the Lin Family hadn't been under Robert's influence, they would have been replaced by the Chow's Group long ago.

The Chow's Group was a fierce tiger lurking in Yinzhou City. Although it seldom showed up, no one dared to provoke it!

"The Chow's..." When Wade heard these two words, his body trembled slightly. Although he came from a good family and had got a BMW in his home when he went to college, compared with the Chow's, he was like an ant in front of an elephant, which was not worth mentioning.

Wade suddenly thought of what the middle-aged woman had just said. Even if his father were here today, he would have to kowtow before he could go out. She didn't talk big!

In Yinzhou, who would dare to offend the Chow's family? Even if it was the people of the Lin Family, they would probably do something interesting when meeting the Chow family. They would not provoke them directly! Today, he made trouble in the territory of the Chow's family? No wonder the other side did not care about their business. No wonder the other side did not care about the Green Leaf Society. This was the Chow's family! It was one of the two great mountains that were rarely seen in Yinzhou city!

Wade was so afraid. He was afraid that because of this, the Chow's family would vent their anger on his father. For a colossus like the Chow's family, as long as he moved a finger, his family's business would be uprooted, and it would never get better again!

"The Chow's, hehe." Henry chuckled. He was fated to be with this person surnamed Chow.

"Boy, are you afraid?" After saying loud that it was the Chow's family, the middle-aged woman seemed to be more confident. She stared at Henry and said, "If today you honestly admit that you are wrong, for the sake of your courage, I will let you take your friends away. Otherwise, you can't make trouble in Chow's family's territory as you like!"

Amy stood beside Henry. She reached out to pull his sleeve and whispered, "Brother-in-law, the Chow's family is very powerful in Yinzhou. We can't afford to offend them."

"It's okay." Henry smiled at Amy. "There's nobody I can't mess with in Yinzhou."

Hearing this, she swallowed what she was about to say.


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