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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 56

They intended to have Daisy cost more, however, in the end, they just chose a food stall that cost 30 yuan per person for a good meal. They chatted happily during the meal and did not let any problems spoil their fun.

After dinner, Henry said goodbye to Daisy and others and went home.

After so many things happened, it was already 9:30 p.m. when Henry arrived home. He stood outside the villa, looking at the dark house. There was no light on. It was a little strange that President Lin had fallen asleep so early?

Henry opened the door, entered the room, and glanced around. He saw that everything in the room was the same as when he left. Sylvia did not come back at all.


Henry took out his mobile phone and called Sylvia, but no one answered.

Henry thought for a moment and then made a phone call to Milan, who said that she was not with Sylvia.

"Then do you know where my wife is?"

"It seems that there's a party. In the afternoon, Ben Song called and said that the old classmates would get together again. He probably called Sylvia." Milan recalled on the phone.

"Okay, I know." Henry nodded, hung up the phone, and walked out of the door.

Henry also arranged people to protect Sylvia, but it wasn't possible to follow her all the time. So sometimes, Henry didn't know where Sylvia went. After all, Henry was not clear who was trying to hurt his wife. And Henry's followers, to put it bluntly, were all famous figures worldwide, so they couldn't show up easily. On the contrary, for Henry himself, a lot of people knew him, but very few had seen him.

People who had seen Henry and knew his real identity, apart from his most trusted friend, could only be his enemies. As for the latter, few people were still alive.

Henry took three minutes to find Ben's license plate through his intelligence network. In another ten minutes, according to Ben's license plate, he located where Ben's car was now.

Henry didn't search the car according to Sylvia's license plate directly. He was afraid that those who wanted to hurt Sylvia would be aware of it. He didn't want to act rashly and alert the enemies.

Ben's car was parked in a private club. When Henry arrived there, he also saw Sylvia's red Mercedes-Benz, confirming that she was right here.

Finding Sylvia and confirming that she was fine, Henry felt relaxed. He simply stood in the parking lot and waited for Sylvia to leave the party.

There were many private clubs like this one in Yinzhou. To put it bluntly, it was a villa that had been renovated. There was a banquet hall, Karaoke, and board games rooms inside the club. It was a good choice to have a party with so many people.

At about half-past ten, there was a noise at the gate of the club. Henry stood in the parking lot and looked around. He saw seven or eight men and women coming out of the club, talking and laughing. Judging by their expressions and movements, they must have drunk some wine.

"Handsome guy, do you have a lighter?"

A delicate voice sounded behind Henry.

Henry turned his head and saw a sexy hot woman with red curly hair standing behind him.

"Sorry, no." Henry shook his head.

The woman's upper body was hot, and her waist was slender. Now she was wearing a bare midriff and a mini skirt. Her long white legs were exposed. If she walked on the street or in the nightclub, she would attract countless people. However, Henry's eyes did not stay on this woman for more than a second. All his attention was focused on the front of the club, waiting for his wife to appear.


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