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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 58

Henry and Helen took the police car to a construction site. On the way, an officer reported to Helen about the situation.

"The accident site was the workshop area. The deceased were two construction workers. At that time, a witness saw that they were in the house. The fire was developing too fast. When the firefighters arrived, the victims could no longer be saved."

The police car stopped.

A long partition belt had been pulled up in the construction site. The contractor and more than a dozen workers who had witnessed the fire were all being investigated by the police. They were making confessions one by one.

Henry saw that there was a burned workshop in front of him. The ashes left by the flame scattered beside the workshop. Not far away, two white sheets were covering the bodies of the deceased.

"Let's go and have a look." Helen pulled the isolation tape and walked in.

Standing outside the isolated area, Henry walked up and down. As he was brought here by Helen, no one cared about him.

A young policeman stood next to the scorched shed. When he saw Helen, his face lit up with joy.

"Helen, you're here."

"You seem to be very happy that such a big case has happened?" Helen looked at the young man with some displeasure.

The young man's face changed, and he restrained himself a lot, explaining, "I'm happy to see you."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Helen ignored his words and glanced at the charred shed.

"According to the investigation and the workers' information, it has been basically confirmed that this fire was caused by an accident. We can directly inform the family to identify the bodies." The young man said relaxedly.

"An accident? How did you figure out that it was an accident?" Helen showed a dissatisfied look. "These work sheds were all built from iron sheets, and the facilities in the house were simple with three iron beds. Even if someone were to ignite in the room, the house would not be lit in a short time. Do you think it's an accident?"

"Uh..." The young man opened his mouth but did not speak. Although he came early, he did not pay attention to investigating the case at all.

"Ansel Jiao, how can you be a policeman like this? Where are the confessions? Let me see!" Helen scolded the young man and strode to the outer circle.

After walking out of the isolation zone full of anger, she took the statements that the officer just recorded and read it slowly.

Henry paced back and forth alongside, looking at the scorched shed and the workers recording the confessions. He muttered, "It's really a low-level murder."

Helen stood there, flipping through the confessions that the police had just recorded.

"At this moment, they should start work. Why are these two people staying in the workshop?" Helen asked a worker.

The worker told Helen that both of the victims had sunstroke recently, so they often rested in the workshop. The fire might have been caused by the smoking of the two people in bed. The worker said that the two men once accidentally lit the fire when smoking in bed. Thanks to the discovery in time, there was no heavy suffering.

"Bring the foreman here." Helen handed over the confession record to an officer.

The foreman of this construction site was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was not tall, less than 1.7 meters, and was a little fat.


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