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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 60

The worker, who was wearing a T-shirt and a red helmet, changed his face. He was about to run when two policemen firmly held him down. He turned to the foreman in panic, but the foreman kept his head down and said nothing at the moment.

Helen opened the white cloth, finding that the bodies were charred and distorted.

Ansel stood aside, not daring to look at them.

Helen's good manners were displayed at the moment. She stretched out her hand and squeezed the victim's jaw. The victim's mouth naturally opened. There was not much black smoke in the victim's mouth, which meant that the deceased did not die in the fire! Before the fire started, they were already dead! That was why they did not inhale much poisonous smoke. Otherwise, their mouth would be filled with black toxic substance!

The man's confession regarding hearing the cry for help from the deceased was a lie!

At this moment, Helen knew how to solve this case!

"Officer, as promised, I'll go first." Henry smiled and waved at Helen. This time, without waiting for Helen to speak, he ran away. Helen wanted to say something but had no chance.

Looking at Henry's back, Helen's gaze stayed for a few seconds, and then she gave an order loudly, "Bring everyone back and interrogate them carefully!"

Henry came out of the construction site and found that it was twelve o'clock at noon.

He remembered that it was in the afternoon that the Green Leaf Society would hold a banquet in the Roman Holiday Inn. After having a casual lunch, Henry went there.

The signboard of the Roman Holiday Inn was as old as the movie of Young and Dangerous in the 90s. The decoration inside the building had been renovated many times. Although the signboard appeared to be old-fashioned, there was a different world inside.

In the hall, there was a real size statue of the Marquis Guan. In front of the statue was a bronze stove covered with a thick layer of incense ash. Dozens of incense sticks were inserted into the censer, emitting cyan smoke.

From a long time ago, the Roman Holiday Inn had become the place where the association negotiated. In Yinzhou, all big events would be held here. There was an unwritten rule in the underground society of Yinzhou that no one was allowed to fight in this place. Otherwise, you would feel the anger of all people in the underworld.

Personal loyalty was very important for the clubs. None of the members had ever broken this rule.

Thanks to the existence of the Roman Holiday Inn, a lot of large-scale fights had been avoided.

Henry's intelligence team had also provided all the above information to him.

When Henry arrived at the Roman Holiday Inn, there were almost no guests here. Only six women in cheongsams stood at the door. The decoration style of this place was full of an antique atmosphere. The tables in the hall were old-fashioned square tables for eight people. On the vermilion wall opposite the hall was a couplet.

"The ancient loyal heart can be authenticated by the sun and the moon. The long-lasting loyal spirit can undergo the testing of time."

In the middle of the couplet was engraved with a Five-clawed Golden Dragon of a murderous look.

As soon as Henry entered the door, the women bowed to him in unison. Their cheongsams were slit to the thigh, which was particularly attractive.

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

Henry's eyes did not stay on the six beautiful women for more than a second. He went straight and sat down at a single table. After ordering a pot of tea and some cakes, he began to look around the environment in the restaurant.

The Roman Holiday Inn had two floors, with a total area of 42 square meters, which couldn't compare with those grand hotels.


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