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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 62

The moment Helen came out, the members of the association in front of the locker room saw her.

"Han..." As soon as the member of the club opened his mouth, he was knocked by Helen.

Henry closed his eyes hard. This woman was really violent!

"Captain Han, you... you... why are you here..." The other members of the association, who were guarding the second floor, looked somewhat unnatural when they saw Helen.

Henry, who was hiding in the wardrobe, felt a little strange. These members were too afraid of Helen. Last time in the Rosy Night Bar, Helen's words made all these people obediently run to the police station to offer their statements.

"What are you doing here?" Helen frowned and asked.

"We... we..." That member answered flatteringly, but before he could speak more, he was interrupted by a roar from downstairs.

"Brothers, hurry up! This group of bastards are playing dirty!"

Upon hearing this, these members had no time to answer Helen's question. They picked up the benches around them and rushed downstairs.

Helen reached out to touch the gun hanging from her waist and also rushed downstairs. In a blink of an eye, Henry was the only one left on the second floor.

He walked out of the wardrobe slowly, stretched himself, and slowly walked towards the corridor.

Standing at the stairs on the second floor, Henry could clearly see what was happening downstairs.

On the first floor, at least a hundred people are holding sticks, stools, and machetes to fight in chaos.

Henry saw that the three masters of Green Leaf, whom he saw at the Rosy Night Bar that day, were also in the crowd.

"Gee, so bloody." Henry leaned against the guardrail on the second floor and looked down playfully.

For an ordinary person, he could not bear to see such a bloody scene, but in Henry's eyes, it was nothing. When he came into contact with the industry of killers, the first thing he learned was how to kill people, but their instructors disdained to teach them to kill people with machetes.

The members of the Green Leaf Society, who had just rushed down from the second floor, joined the fight quickly.

Helen looked at the situation in front of her with a frown. The armed fight in the Roman Holiday Inn had exceeded her expectations.

"Boss, look!" On the side of the Green Leaf Society, Leopard Kurata pointed to Helen.

Boss's face changed, "Why is she here?"

"Boss, what should we do?" Leopard Kurata looked very anxious.

It was not easy to stop a hundred people's battle.

All of a sudden, a gunshot rang out, causing all the people who were fighting to stop.

Helen stood at the entrance of the stairs, holding a gun aimed at the ceiling. The gunshot rang out from her.

It was at this moment that the members of the clubs noticed that there was a police officer in the restaurant.

Helen's face was as cold as frost, and she glanced around the hall, "Thunder Monster and you surnamed Tai, you two have gone too far, haven't you? Today, you are fighting in the Roman Holiday Inn. Tomorrow, you even want to fight in front of the police station, right?"


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