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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 69

In the main house of the Lin Family's mansion.

Master Lin, dressed in a purplish red Tang suit, was sitting in a wheelchair, listening quietly to the report of the person in front of him. He looked a little dispirited, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Grandpa, you have to take care of it. If I hadn't intercepted this time, and it fell into the hands of the media, the stocks of the Lins Group would have shrunk greatly!"

Richard Wong angrily took out a stack of photos and put it in front of Robert Lin. These photos of Henry were secretly taken. Shots were taken from a special angle, which made people feel that the actions of Henry and those women were very ambiguous from the photo.

However, these photos did not capture Henry's face, only his back.

"Grandpa, this is the son-in-law of my third uncle. He spent the money of the Lin family for nothing and indulged himself in the outside world. If these photos are taken by the media, the Lin family will lose respect."

One of the shareholders said, "Chairman, thanks to Master Wong this time, otherwise, the stocks of the Lins Group would be greatly affected. Now the Lins Group is on the top of the storm and there are so many companies eyeing it. If there is really a scandal, it will not be a small problem."

In Lins Group, the chairman was still Robert Lin, while Sylvia was only the president, so there was a fundamental difference between them.

A lawyer-like middle-aged man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses took out a document and said, "Chairman, if Master Wong hadn't intercepted these photos, the current president of the Lins Group would have lost more than 10 percent because of him. According to the original agreement, we should choose a new president in the members of the group."

"Yes, Chairman, there are many companies that have been working with us before, and now they have unilaterally terminated their cooperation with us. You have not paid attention to the enterprise during this period. The profit of Lins Group in this month has reduced by several percentage points. According to the estimation, it will continue to expand in the next month. Now, Mrs. Lin's husband has made such trouble. If you let it go, the leading position of Lins Group in Yinzhou will be replaced by Chow's Group sooner or later!"

Robert looked at these photos with a gloomy face. The things in the photos made him so angry that he trembled all over.

Robert had not learned much about his granddaughter's husband before. As a result, what he heard today was exactly this news!

"What a playboy! How dare he act so absurdly! He doesn't even care about Lins!"

"Go and call Sylvia. I also want to see the husband she found. I want to know what role he plays to ignore our Lin family!" Robert slapped heavily on the wheelchair. His majestic face made the board members not dare to look straight at him.

Seeing Robert's anger rising, Richard was delighted. "Henry, you'll suffer this time! Aren't you arrogant? I'll see if you could be arrogant again."

A group of people stood in the main house. When they felt Robert's anger, they didn't even dare to breathe.

Although Robert had already withdrawn from the business circle for several years, his dignity was still there. After all, it was Robert Lin who took the lead to make a name for himself in the business circle of Yinzhou. As long as he was alive, he was the big brother of the business circle of Yinzhou.

At this moment, Robert's housekeeper walked into the main house.

"Master, there is a young man outside who wants to see you."

"Young man?" Robert asked doubtfully.

"Yes, he said that he is the husband of Sylvia."

"Hmm?" Anger suddenly rose from Robert's eyebrows. "He came to see me? Okay, let him come! Richard, you and others go to another room and rest first."

"Okay." Richard nodded repeatedly and felt very happy. "Henry, Henry, you're really looking for death!"

Although Richard didn't know why Henry came to Robert, he knew that no matter what it was, he would be doomed today.

Lins Group.

Sylvia sat in the office and looked through the documents that Cathy brought her one by one. The data about losses gave her a headache.


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