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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 91

After leaving the clinic, the afternoon sun was shining bright.

"President Lin, where are we going now? Go back to the company directly or..."

Henry said, but he found that no one replied to him. When he turned his head, he found that Sylvia was standing behind him.

"President Lin, why did you stop?" Henry asked curiously.

Sylvia's beautiful eyes looked up and down at Henry carefully.

"What's wrong?" Henry strode up to Sylvia and reached out his hand to swing in front of her eyes.

Sylvia took a deep breath, stroked the hair on her forehead with her white and tender hand and asked, "Who are you?"

Henry frowned. "Who am I?"

"Just now, although I don't understand what you have done to those doctors, I could see that with your medical attainments, you didn't have to come to our Lin family to be son-in-law. You have a better future. What's your purpose?"

"Oh, that's what you're talking about." Henry patted his forehead and said with a smile.

"You told me before that you didn't have a good family, so you have done everything. Don't tell me that you have achieved the current medical achievements just by learning it casually!" Sylvia's beautiful eyes were full of vigilance.

Henry held his hand and explained, "I have medical skills, but I don't have a Physician's Qualification Certificate. Or in other words, I can't get a Physician's Qualification Certificate. In the early years, I became apprentice of an old Celestial Empire medicine doctor, and he died three years after teaching me. President Lin, do you know that there is a kind of profession in the world called roving doctor?"

"A roving doctor?" Sylvia's face was full of doubts. She had never heard of such a profession before.

"Among the ancient doctors those who could cure hundreds of diseases were called roving doctors. This profession has been passed down to now." Henry looked up at the blazing sun in the sky and sighed. "However, roving doctors have never been recognized by the Medical Association. In many people's eyes, some treatment methods of roving doctors are risky."


"Mmm." Henry nodded and stretched out four fingers to Sylvia. "We fight poison with poison. Just like yesterday. If I hadn't met Master Yan yesterday, any doctor might have stopped me from treating the patient. My method was very risky. If I was not careful, I could directly kill the patient."

Sylvia's face was full of confusion. "Then why are you still doing it?"

"I'm confident." Henry smiled and said, "But only I know practice. If I go to take the Physician's Qualification Certificate, I will be eliminated in theory. In general, people think that I'm nothing when it comes to medicine."

Sylvia's small mouth was slightly open. What Henry told her today was indeed something she had never been in contact with.

After a few seconds of silence, Sylvia said, "Henry, what you just said about program..."

"My good president Lin, you are always very smart. What's wrong with you today?!" Henry smiled bitterly. "I only know these techniques. The program is just a cover. You have to build up the hospitals during this period. At most, one year. After a year, they can learn all these techniques."

Hearing Henry's words, Sylvia also realized that today's herself seemed to be not smart enough. She was completely different from usual.

"Okay, let's go." Henry stepped forward and grabbed Sylvia's arm. " If we stay here longer, those people will come out and ask me something, and I'll be exposed."


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