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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 95

Jammy's face was full of displeasure. "Captain Nat, I don't understand what you mean. Although our police team can't compare with Sharp Knife, but our team is also very well prepared. It seems that you've gone too far by saying that."

"Sorry, I've always been straightforward." Nat smiled at Jammy and then waved at Eden.

Eden changed the images that were shown on the wall.

This time, it was no longer a figure, nor a symbol, but a picture of the ruins. The picture showed smoke, and there were deep pits all over the ground. There was a big fire, and broken limbs and arms were everywhere. The heavy weapons were scattered all over the ground, and there were even two tanks that had been blown up to pieces.

Nat explained, "This is a private armed base in the Golden Triangle. There are about 400 mercenaries armed with loaded guns in the base. They kill people without blinking. There are two armed tanks in the base that are ready to be fired at any time. As a result, one person wiped out the whole private armed base within one and a half hours. She is the person you have seen just now. Now, do you still question the number of casualties I have mentioned?"

In the conference room, everyone was looking at the scene on the wall with their mouths wide open.

"This..." Jammy moved his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

What Nat said was beyond his knowledge. This was not a role that ordinary police officers could deal with. Indeed, in the face of such a horrible character, the ordinary elites were no match for him at all. She was a professional murderer!

At this moment, Helen's mind had gone completely blank. She had heard what Nat had said very clearly. She had been in the dark for so many years and had seen many ruthless people who liked to kill each other. However, compared with Nat's narration, these people were just child's play!

Moreover, although Helen only saw the back of the woman, she was hundred percent sure that woman was Thorn Ci! Today, she came to Rosy Night Club to solve the trouble. She was one of Henry's men!

In the meeting, Nat said a lot of things to the people present, but Helen didn't listen to him. She only thought of one question, "Who is Henry?"

After the meeting, Helen walked out of the meeting room in a daze and walked out of the police station.

The meeting lasted for a long time. The sun was setting, and the horizon was burning red.

Helen walked out of the gate of the police station and saw a long shadow extending to her feet. She looked in the direction of the shadow and saw the man standing there. It was Henry!

"Done with work? Let's have dinner together!" Henry put his hands in his pockets and said to Helen with a smile.

As soon as she saw Henry, what Nat said just now appeared in her mind. One man, an hour and a half, destroyed an armed base. And that man was also Henry's subordinate!

Helen walked up to Henry with an unnatural look on her face. After being silent for two seconds, she said, "I have a question for you."

"What's wrong? You were holding an emergency meeting. Did someone gave you information about Thorn?" Henry asked with a smile. He seemed to have an uncertain prophet.

Helen asked subconsciously, "How do you know?"

"Thorn has performed a lot of tasks, so she has shown up a lot. Today's fight will definitely be discovered. The Sharp Knife will definitely not sit by and do nothing. How many captains have come here this time?" Henry's expression was calm, and everything was under control.

"Did you know that Thorn would be discovered?" Helen did not answer Henry's question and asked.


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