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My Wife is a Herbalist Practitioner novel Chapter 69

Sylvie had been waiting for Mila to wake up, trying to figure out what happened that year, but now hearing such news, she felt queer.

Grandpa was... Mommy's housekeeper?

What did this mean?

Then Mummy married her housekeeper's son...

"Mila, I could understand every word you said, but I couldn't get it when they were put together. I have so many questions in my mind that I want you to tell me all about them."

Mila looked at Sylvie lovingly. "You will understand all this, little lady, if you take back the box she left you."

With that, Mila closed her eyes wearily and fell asleep again.

The doctor came to examine Mila and wondered, "Miss Shaw, the patient has not been in good health, but she seems to have taken some pills, which kept the patient's heart from failing."

Sylvie had felt Mila's pulse. As the doctor said, Mila had a life-saving pill in her body.

She hadn't even noticed it when she felt Mila's pulse half a month ago. The one who could manage to keep Mila alive for so many years must be adept at medical skills. She knew it was her mother.

Mila was supposed to have taken the life-saving pill Mommy gave her before she passed away ten years ago.

Sylvie felt that things were getting more and more complicated. It was as if she was shrouded by a huge net.

At this time, her phone rang.

It was Martin.

Sylvie didn't feel surprised that Martin would call her and asked about what had happened between Kieran and her.

Sylvie answered, "Hey, Dad."

"Sylvie, come home right now, I have something to ask you!" Martin snapped.

Sylvie raised her red lips. "Well, there's something I want to tell Dad, too."

In the Shaw family.

Sylvie first came to Kasper's room. He was still in a coma, but the last when she gave him an injection, he had been slowly restored his health.

Sylvie gave him a second injection. Kasper was getting old, and he had been in a vegetative state for ten years, so he needed time to wake up.

Sylvie put the needle away and watched him quietly. Mila said that Grandpa was Mommy's housekeeper. What did that mean?

Mila also said that Mommy came to SJ City... so, wasn't her Mommy a native of H City, but from somewhere else?

Who was "he" that made Mila tremble?

Martin arrived. "Sylvie, come to my study!"

Chapter 69 Go to College 1


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