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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 410

Chapter 410 

Patrick nodded. Yes, it has always been a secret marriage!” 

Nicole originally wanted Patrik to talk about his single status and relationship problems, but she did not expect that before the interview, Patrick directly used. the excuse that his wife would mind and chase Gloria away

She tactfully mentioned Patrick’s wife

Nicole continued, To be honest, my readers and friends are all very curious. I wonder how long Mr. Hersey has been married?” 

Patrick said in a deep voice, Five months and eight days!” 

Nicole looked shocked. You remember it so clearly?” 

Patrick glanced at Nicole. I remember everything related to my wife very clearly!” 

Nicole’s expression was a little complicated. I can tell that you love your wife very much. Can you talk to us about your wife?” 

When Patrick heard this topic, a hint of gentleness flashed across his eyes. My wife is very good and very outstanding. I love her very much!” 

Shock flashed across the editor’s eyes. She did not expect Patrick to answer her question with three very

However, she was still very shocked because she could feel Patrick’s deep love for his wife in his words

After Patrick answered this question, he gave Nelson a look

Nelson immediately walked over and said to Nicole with a smile, Nicole, that’s all for today’s interview. Mr. Hersey still has other work to do!” 

Nicole smiled and stood up. Thank you, Mr. Hersey, for cooperating with my interview. Thank you so much!” 

Patrick nodded. He

up, adjusted his sleeves, and walked out

He returned to his office and couldn’t help but smile when he saw the message from Violet

Patrick said, Baby, give me one more kiss again!” 


Chapter 410 

Violet sent him another kiss emoji

Patrick said, Why are you so obedient today?” 

Violet replied, You’re asking e obvious. Of course I’m rewarding you for helping me teach Gloria a lesson! I’m very happy that you didn’t do an interview with her!” 

Patrick said, Oh, I understand now. So my baby likes this.” 

Violet was left speechless

Patrick originally wanted to take the opportunity of Gloria’s return to perform well in front of Violet and completely draw a line with Gloria so that Violet could see his determination

Unexpectedly, he had to go on a business trip that afternoon

Patrick was anxious. He really wanted to take his wife away with him

However, even if he wanted to, Violet would not let go of her work and follow him

Patrick left in the afternoon. Before he left, he repeatedly instructed Gewissen and Giselle to protect Violet. Even if she had to go to the bathroom, Giselle had to follow her

Patrick settled these matters and went on a business trip.. 

At night, in Wendy’s house

Gloria left the company in the morning and went straight to Wendy’s. She was in a bad mood and locked herself in her room for the entire day. It was not until Wendy called her for dinner that she went out with red eyes

During dinner, Wendy asked her, What’s wrong with you today? Why are you. crying like this?” 

Although they were cousins, Wendy knew very well that Gloria looked down on her because she was only an adopted child. Wendy still had to rely on the Tyler family’s background to marry into a rich family

However, ever since she was young, because Gloria was the Tyler family’s real child, even if she was only Travis’s niece, Wendy basically agreed to Gloria’s requests

When she heard Wendy’s concern, Gloria’s eyes turned red. Stop asking. I’ll eat something first!” 

10:48 Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 410 

Seeing this, Wendy did not continue asking

After dinner, Gloria went into her room


Wendy was still worried abouger. She chased after Gloria and asked, Now that we’re done eating, you can talk to me, right? It’s not good for you to keep locking yourself up and sulking alone!” 

When Gloria heard this, tears instantly welled up in her eyes. She could not help but rub her eyes before looking up at Wendy. Do you know a woman called Violet?” 

When she heard this name, Wendy’s face instantly darkened. I know. What’s wrong? Did she provoke you?” 

Gloria wiped her tears and said, Whether she provoked me or not, I can’t wait to tear her into pieces to vent my hatred!” 

Wendy’s pupils constricted. How did she offend you? Why are you so angry?” 

Gloria could not help but cry. She’s married to Patrick!” 

At this point, Gloria’s tears flowed even harder. I’ve only been overseas for half a year

me? Why did it become like this? Did he marry that woman back then to anger 

me? Why is he treating me like this now? I don’t believe it. I really don’t believe it!” 

Wendy could tell that something was wrong from her words. What do you mean. by he married Violet just to anger you?” 

Gloria sobbed twice. Of course it’s becausebecause I didn’t get married to him back then. He was angry with me, so he married Violet. He did this just to anger me. I know that, but now, he must have been embarrassed. That’s why he treated me like that. Wendy, you are clever and have the most methods. Help me think of a way, okay? Is there any way to get Patrick to divorce and be with me as soon as possible?” 

When Wendy heard this, she could not help but frown. I’m sorry, Gloria. I can’t help you with this!” 

Gloria’s eyes were red, and the expression on her face instantly froze. What did you say? You can’t help me? You’ve been living in the Tyler family since you were young. The Tyler family raised you and nurtured you. You’re not willing to help me with such a small favor now?” 

Wendy frowned and looked at Gloria unhappily. Gloria, it’s not what you think


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