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My Wife Is My Life! novel Chapter 17

The next day which was a weekend, Vana was ordered to rest at home.

After sleeping for the whole morning, Vana felt that her energy finally recovered. Moreover, because of the death of a person on the dormitory floor, people that Vana met in the past few days gradually become less. There were also some employees who lived in the dormitory for a long time, so they began to rent an apartment outside. Except for a few figures occasionally passing by, the whole floor was no difference from a ghost building.

It would be better for Vana. After all, she was the only one occupying the dormitory now.

Sitting on the bed near the bathroom, Vana looked at the "masterpiece" left by herself in the dormitory. The other bed was full of clothes, a pile of uncovered cosmetics on the table, and more than three sets of unwashed work clothes were hung on the chair.

This kind of unrestrained life was really wonderful. No one cared about her freedom, and she felt that she could live here for a whole year.

Vana rubbed her hair leisurely and got out of bed. Soon, her phone rang. She slowly clicked on the Skype and saw an unread message on a Patrick Star's profile picture.

Vana clicked on it and then clicked on the voice message. Soon, a kind voice came from inside.

"Vana, it's getting cold today. Go out in a long sleeve shirt. Call me when you arrive at the intersection of H Village. I'll send someone to pick you up!"

Edwin's voice made Vana smile. She immediately pressed the recording button and replied, "I know, Grandpa. I'll be there soon!"

What Vana said "soon" was two hours later.

Vana, who had planned to have breakfast on the way, procrastinated to the H Village at lunch time. At the intersection of the H Village, a black commercial vehicle had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as Vana walked to the entrance of the village, an old man got off the passenger seat of the commercial vehicle. Vana knew this old man before. He was the former steward of Edwin, Mark Qin.

"Miss Vana, Mr. Edwin had asked me to wait for you here for a long time... Have you had breakfast?"

Vana shook her head. Soon, Mark Qin took out a glass bottle from his arms like magic. Inside the bottle, there were a lot of plump Macadamia, which were peeled and packed.

Vana immediately exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Mark, how do you still remember that I like nuts!" It was impossible for her grandfather to peel it for her.

"Yes, of course I do. Miss Vana is very endearing!" As he spoke, he walked towards the back door of the car. After opening the door, he saw that Vana got on the car happily with a can of Macadamia in her arms. When he was about to close the door, he reached out to rub her hair and said, "don't eat too much. Mr. Edwin has ordered to prepare country style food for you!"

Vana nodded. Mark Qin closed the door and went to the passenger seat. Then the car started to drive on the asphalt road of the H Village.

H Village was an urban village. There were rows of tall and low buildings nearby, but it was absolutely not the center of the Magic City. The four districts of the Magic City were well developed. Among them, the most developed one was the SG District where Vana lived now, and the weakest one was the ME District, and the H Village located in the ME District.

For the time being, there was no subway in most of the road sections of the ME District, so it took Vana two hours to arrive here. If the subway was opened, it would definitely take less than 40 minutes.

The scene of the ME District was the most primitive, which was most in line with Vana's definition to Magic City.

On her way here, she could often see buildings of four to six floors. The vast majority of the buildings were inherited from the ancient Rome buildings that were imitated when the Magic City were on the rise in the past. Those magnificent eaves, the high roof like the clock tower, and the unique stone arch. Everything showed the glory of the ME District's land in the past.

Vana liked every inch of this place inexplicably, because it also recorded the beginning of the Gu Company.

When the Gu Company was in the generation of her grandfather, it was still stationed in the ME District. Since the SG District was developed, the Gu Family had begun to move to the SG District. But the ME District still kept the Gu Company's old house. Since Vana's grandmother passed away, her grandfather had returned to the old house.

After a while, the car stumbled along the more and more uneven asphalt road around the lake. There was still some mud on the road, and the bumps and hollows on the road were not very flat. Even so, Vana could not help but take out her mobile phone to take many beautiful pictures.

The car moved along the fork road for another 10 minutes, and a large area of green wheat field appeared at the entrance of the village.

The season was still early, and wheat was not mature yet. Some peasants were exposed under the scorching sun weeding in the field, and some children were playing in the vegetable field. Soon they were covered in dust.

The car arrived at a small stream and stopped outside a brightly lit villa. Vana looked up and saw the words "ZR Mountain Villa".


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