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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 121

Nina quickly asks Sunny, "Williams's Group? Which Williams?"

"The one specializes in shopping malls and office buildings. It's said the the president has married Mayor Lewis's daughter." Sunny sees Nina is interested in the Williams, so she adds, "But something happened at the wedding and they didn't get married successfully."

"Not married? Really? I have seen reports before that Mayor Lewis's daughter was pregnant?" Nina is a little surprised. At the time Troy got married, she had gone to America. So she did not know the ops and downs.

It turns out that Troy did not marry Abby Lewis. . . . But last time she saw them in the mall, they were very happy and seemed to have had a baby.

They were getting married, and they were holding a wedding. But somebody made troubles at the wedding and they failed to perform marriage." Sunny adds, "However, the president of Williams's Group is living together with Miss Lewis and they already had a child."

Nina is a little dizzy, "So are they married or not?"

"Not married, but they live together with a child." Sunny says and takes a look at Nina, "Nina, why are you so interested in these now? I remember you were not a gossip!"

Nina hesitates for a moment and decides not to tell Sunny about her story with Troy Roger. She had told Sunny so much last night, she is afraid it's so overwhelming for Sunny.

Yes, it is too messy. Nina also thinks her relationship with Lucien and Troy is a mess.

"Nina, so do you want to have a try?" Sunny asks.

"No! I am not going to Williams's Group. I will see if there are any other jobs." Although Nina said so, but in her heart she has no confidence of finding a new job. She does not know if Lucien will let her go...

"Nina, I'll go back to the company today to go through the resignation formalities. Are you coming with me?" Sunny asks.

"Oh. Well, I'm not going. I have not worked for a few days anyway, and I have nothing left in company and have no paperwork to hand over." Actually Nina is a little nervous. If she go back to the company, who knows how Lucien will torture her.

"Well, I will go first. I should be back by noon. By the way, let's go shopping this afternoon." Sunny proposes.

"Good idea."

Waking up with a hangover, Lucien only feels his head is so ache that it is about to explode.

Struggling to get up, he finds he lying on the floor of Peter Johnson's house all night.

And on the big bed, Peter Johnson is sleeping well.

"Peter Johnson!!!" Lucien oars! At least Peter Johnson should get him to sleep in the guest room instead to leave him on the floor. And he Peter Johnson sleeps in the big bed!

Peter Johnson is awakened from his sleep and doesn't look well.

"What? Is the man who is trapped in love awake at last?" The first sentence he says is sarcasm.

Lucien's face is getting red and says angrier, "Do not tell me that your house does not have a spare room, Peter Johnson!"

"Ha-ha... what spare room? I think you sleep well on the floor." Peter Johnson turns over and bothers to look at Lucien's angry face. The floor in his house is constant temperature, and there is a long velvet carpet on it. Lucien will not get a cold.

"Is that how you entertain guests?" Lucien is dying of angry. He and Peter Johnson are friends for so many years, but Peter Johnson even didn't prepare a bed for him.

Peter Johnson's voice comes faintly, "You were drunk and full of alcohol. As a CEO, I am so nice to endure the smell of wine to personally help you back. Do not be choosy!"

"…" Lucien is speechless.

"Go wash yourself! You've got puke breath, and you stink in my boudoir!" says Peter Johnson, gravely.

If it is in the past, the word "boudoir" must make Lucien burst out laughing, but today he really doesn't in a mood to burst out laughing.

He is just sitting on the floor numbly and trying to remember what happened yesterday.

It seems that memory will always consciously block those unpleasant scenes. Lucien tries his best to remember last night's events, but only only gets a hazy shadow. But it is clear that Nina does not love him. He finally sees one thing that Nina does not love him.

Heartache washes away the numbness caused by the hangover, and Lucien only feels a place of his heart is block badly and painful.

"Go take a bath, Lucien. Do not even go to the company today. Let's go play golf." Seeing Lucien's daze appearance, Peter Johnson advises in a soft tone.

Lucien does not answer. His handsome face is deeply lonely. He is not like a high-spirited president, but a 70-year-old man. His is so sad and frustrated.

Peter Johnson sighs, "Lucien, let it go! Come on! You can get any kinds of women you want. Why bother others and yourself?"

His words make Lucien wake up from daze and heartache.

Let go? Let go of Nina?


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