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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 124

"What is wrong, Lucien?" asks Peter Johnson, concerned.

"You don't say. Mr. Grey must be angry with us for our talking and snubbing him." Sunny certainly says.

Peter Johnson smiles slightly. Only Sunny would think so simple. He has noticed that Lucien's eyes have been staring at Nina.

Lucien suddenly got angry must because Nina has been ignoring him. Known for more than 20 years, Peter Johnson knows Lucien very well.

It seems that Lucien still cannot put down Nina. What a doomed love it is. Peter Johnson sighs in his heart.

Afraid that Lucien will do something wrong, Peter Johnson quickly takes him walk to the toilet nearby and says to Nina and Sunny, "Wait for a while, ladies. I and Tianhao go to the toilet."

In the toilet, Peter Johnson lights a cigarette and hands one to Lucien. They smoke in silence.

"Lucien, if you really can't put down Nina, you can go back for her. But why do not you try letting go for few days?" Peter Johnson's says sincerely, "You can give yourself a week. In this week, you try not to find Nina, not to meet her, not to text her or call her. If you find yourself still can't let her go after a week, it will not too late to go back to her."

Lucien smokes silently says nothing.

"Love cannot be forced. You won't be happy unless you love each other. You and Nina always keep quarrelling, reconciled, quarrelling, and reconciled. Aren't you tired?" Peter Johnson feels that he is chatter as if being possessed by a middle-age woman.

Lucien frowns tightly and smokes hard. He looks up at Peter Johnson, "No way!"

Peter Johnson is worried, "Lucien, just a woman. She is really unworthy of your attention and love, and your worries!"

Lucien's deep eyes look out the window, and he says coldly, "I will not let her go. But I will give her freedom for a week, even a month!"

Peter Johnson is curious, "Are you playing cat and mouse?"

Lucien clenches his teeth and says, "I don't believe Nina has no feelings to me! I will give her a month to see her inside!"

How can Nina have no feelings to him? If she really has no sense to him, why she is silent all the time and dares not to look his eyes?

He does not believe that Nina has no feelings to him!

I won't let go, never! Nina, you cannot escape from me! Lucien clenches his hands into fists and his deep eyes are darker.

By the time they get back to the table, the food had already arrived. Peter Johnson walks in front and by the way sits inner seat. And Lucien sits outside.

Thus, Lucien sits next to Nina.

Feeling the energy field of Lucien is so strong, Nina suddenly shivers. There is an unknown power in the man that always terrifies her.

"Why you spent a long time in the toilet? Are you constipated?" Sunny always keeps her mouth shut.

"Oh, Sunny, you can't…" Nina looks at her friend with a smile and a little anger. Saying this at dinner, only Sunny can do it.

Lucien frowns. Sunny is so careless and casual, why would Peter Johnson like such a woman. He takes a glance at Nina and compares the two girls in his heart. Of course he thinks Nina is the best.

But Peter Johnson doesn't care about Sunny's careless. He smiles at Sunny and jokes, "You even know this, Sunny? Did you just sneak up on us to the toilet?"

"You!" Sunny rolls her eyes to Peter Johnson, and then picks up chopsticks and eat something, "I do not care about you! I am starving for half a day!"

Nina has no appetite, and just picks up a tuna fish sushi to eat.

This sushi is very special, which rolled a thin layer of crisp dried meat floss, tasted sweet and refreshing without greasy.

Nina eats two pieces. When she is about to eat another piece, Lucien's voice comes from beside, "Nina!"

"What?" Nina turns to look at Lucien. This is the first time that Lucien speaks to her since this meal. She is nervous.

Lucien naturally turns her face, pulls out a piece of paper towel from the box on the table, and helps her wipe away dried meat floss on her mouth corner.

Lucien moves quickly, and very smooth. Nina has no respond for a while and stares at him blankly.

Is Lucien… wiping her mouth?

Nina cannot react. Did he just say he would let her go? And they will have no other relation but strangers anymore. He, why does he wipe her mouth? Is not that what couples do?

Seeing Lucien's action, Peter Johnson and Sunny are also surprised.

Peter Johnson is surprised for Lucien's reneging. He just said he would give Nina a month time, now he began to touch her.


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