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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 130

Vivi's big eyes with exquisite eyeline fix on Nina's back. With a woman's intuition, she feels Lucien is fond of this woman.

"Lucien, who is she?" asks Vivi tentatively.

"Why do you ask that?" Lucien turns his head and looks at Vivi's face.

"I think she looks a little strange. Her face is as white as a ghost, so ugly." Vivi is so young without shrewdness, and doesn't hide her dislike of Nina.

Lucien's smiling face suddenly become as cold as ice. He seizes Vivi's by the throat and says, "You bitch! Do you know what happens when you say something wrong?"

Lucien uses all of his strength, and Vivi's ruddy face suddenly becomes cyan purple. She is almost suffocating.

Lucien sees her eyes show the expression of extreme fear, then release his hand.

As soon as Lucien's hand is gone, Vivi begins to cough loudly. Her face is flushed with embarrassment.

"Lucien, I will never do it again. Don't be angry, please." She begs for mercy poorly. She is more certain that the woman's position in Lucien's heart is very special.

She managed to come out among many women to become Lucien's girlfriend.

The diamond ring on her hand, the necklace on her neck, the furs on her body, if Lucien no longer likes her, all these will gone! She cannot lose these!

Vivi remembers the bottle of medicine in her bag. Luckily she has prepared something. Today is her best date for conception. She has to find a way to make Lucien to plant seeds in her body.

Or...when Lucien gets tired of her one day, she will have nothing.

Sunny is changing clothes when Nina enters her room.

"Why are you still wearing this, Sunny?" Seeing Nina T-shirt neckline exposes from bathrobe, she asks surprised.

The hot spring hall inside will send the special bathrobes for spa. The bathrobes are Japanese style, loose and big, only tie a belt on waist and wear nothing inside.

"Oh, I am still not used to it. It is a long way from here to spa place. I'll take it off over there." Nina is a little shy.

"What does it matter? Everybody wears bathrobes only." Sunny doesn't think so, but says nothing. They walk slowly toward the bath.

It is snowing outside and there is a thick layer of snow on the ground. The long wooden corridor leads to the bath. Walking on the warm wood floor, enjoying the snowflakes falling outside the corridor, the air is cool and humid, it is very comfortable.

Nina took a deep breath, and starts enjoying the hot spring trip.

"Oh, is not that Mr. Peter Johnson? It's Strange. Why is he here? He always does not participate in company activities!" Sunny points to the shadows on the corner of the corridor and shows to Nina.

Nina's heart is suddenly tight, and a kind of inexplicable feeling rushed to her heart. She is afraid, and a little looking forward...to something, which she could not tell, either...

"Oh, Lucien seems there!" As the figures walking closer and closer, Sunny recognizes the biggest shadow is Lucien, "That's strange, there seems to be a woman."

As she speaking, Lucien, Vivi, Peter Johnson have come.

Nina stops walking, standing in the shadow of the pillar and watching the three persons come. Her eyes finally fall on Lucien.

He has lost weight.

"Sunny, are you going to the spa? Come on, let's go together." Peter Johnson is very happy to see Sunny.

Lucien doesn't speak, and his eyes have been watching Nina hiding in the shadow. Her thin and weak figure makes Lucien frown.

He left an unlimited gold card on the side of Nina's pillow when he left the hospital. But she sent it back to his company by express.

What is the matter with this little woman, making herself so pale and haggard?

Lucien wants to go over there and yell at her. He wants to pinch her face and tell her how ugly she looks now!

"Come on! Cold, let's go!" Sunny pulls Nina's hand and walks toward them.

Vivi has been looking at Lucien's face. She can see clearly that at whom Lucien's is looking. She is worried in her heart and afraid she will be abandoned by Lucien tonight.

"Lucien. Why not we just leave them? I want to be alone with you." Vivi starts acting like a spoiled child.

Hearing vivi words, Nina cannot help but bite her lip corner. She hopes Lucien and vivi go away, and hope Lucien and vivi do not go. She doesn't know what exactly she wants.


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