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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 144

"Lucien…Don't screw around...my vagina is still in pain!" Nina thinks she really can't handle this man with vigorous sex drive!

"Whatever. You aroused my sexual desire, so you are responsible for putting it out." Lucien gnaws all over Nina's neck with his lips.

Nina is speechless.

Who aroused his sexual desire? She did not say anything and did not do anything, okay? This man is really unreasonable!

Forget it. It is just a matter of time. Nina thinks for a while and says in coquetry, "Lucien, we'll do it later. I'm hungry!"

Hearing Nina says she is hungry, Lucien reluctantly lets go of her and gives her a big kiss and sucks in her mouth, "Let's go out for dinner."

They put on their shoes at hallway. Nina is carrying her bag on her shoulder and as soon as she bends down, it slips off her shoulder. Nina gets up and puts her bag on top of the shoe cabinet.

As she is about to bend over again to put on her shoes, her little feet had been gently lifted. Nina feels a shock and lowers her eyes, seeing that Lucien is crouching on the floor, putting Nina's foot on his lap, and taking her silver flat-heel in the other hand and ready to put her shoe on.

Lucien... when has he been so tender... his eyes are pure and gentle, and he is concentrating on putting Nina's shoes on.

This look is so familiar. Nina had only seen it on Troy's face...

Nina's heart palpitates for a while. Standing still, Nina is lake a puppet, allowing Lucien to put her shoes on. Then Lucien stands up and kisses her face, "Let's go."

Nina still can't react. Is this still Lucien, who is overbearing and arrogant?

He has really changed...

From the bottom of her heart comes a sweet joy, and Nina holds Lucien's arm with a smile, which is growing deeper and deeper with satisfaction.


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