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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 150

Her forehead has already bloodied by the hit. And the gangster has reached his hand to Nina's chest!

Nina cries desperately, and her two eyes almost bloodshot with hatred. Suddenly, she finds herself so helpless!

It was Lucien who sent her to the devil with his own hands, and who once said he loved her.

"Lucien! You have to die! You are not human! I hate you! I hate you!" Nina is pinned to the cold wall by the gangster from behind. The blood of head is mixed with tears and flows down together and blurs her vision.

Her voice sounds so heart-break like a hopeless small beast!

Standing outside the door, Lucien clenches his teeth tightly. His body trembles slightly as he holding the metal banister in his hand.

Suddenly, he raises his fist and smashes it on the metal banister! A hard fist encounters hard iron, and his hand joints immediately ooze blood out!

The abuse is still going on inside. Nina has completely lost the strength to resist. She is severely hit by a little punk on the ground. Her shirt is tore, and her snow-white body is exposed in the air…

Seeing that Nina no longer resists, the gangster thinks she had resigned.

He smirks, "You are still too young to fight with me!" Then he put his smelly mouth onto Nina's face and tries to kiss the pale, bloodless lips.

Nina turns her head with disgust and the lips of the gangster fall on her neck. Nina opens her mouth and bites his ears!

With all of her strength, Nina tightly bites the gangster's ear! A third of the ear is immediately bitten off! There is blood everywhere!

The gangster issues a scream in pain, and slap hard on Nina face!

"You fucking bitch! Bitch!" The gangster grabs Nina's hair and starts to slap her in the face at right and left. Nina's ears are buzzing. At first she still can also hear the gangster's curse. And then, she can't hear anything.

The loud slapping sound reaches to Lucien's ear. His eyes are red! He put her ears up hard, but he cannot hear any of the sounds from the Nina inside!

Bang! The door is kicked open by Lucien!


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