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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 192

"Nina Morrison, I'm looking for you." Raymond Lauren interrupts her, and then he says in a strange and sour voice, "President Henry called me just now and he said that all the projects with Gray Group will be handed over to you. Later, you will be the person in charge of this project."

"What?" Nina Morrison is surprised. Only director could act as the leader of this kind of project. She is just a small director. Besides, she is going to resign.

Raymond Lauren rubs his cheek and says, "It was put forward by Gray Group. Lucien Gray called President Henry himself. "

Raymond Lauren is shocked. Just now, Nina Morrison called the woman "Sarah Gray". It sounds that they are brother and sister...

"Nina, I want to ask you a personal question. Was Sarah Gray the sister of Lucien Gray?" Raymond Lauren blurts out. Then he realizes that it is unsuitable to ask like this, thus he quickly adds, "You don’t have to answer, it doesn't matter."

Nina Morrison takes deep a breath and then says, "Yes, President Lauren, you are right."

Seeing the shock impression of Raymond Lauren, Nina Morrison smiles bitterly, "Besides, Sarah Gray is not tell lies. There is something happened between me and Lucien Gray."

Raymond Lauren is so embarrassed that he doesn't know what to say.

Nina Morrison pushes the resignation document to Raymond Lauren and says, "This is my resignation handover document. President Lauren, I put forward my resignation formally. I hope you can approve it. "

After saying these words, Nina Morrison suddenly relieved.

Raymond Lauren is also confused. He says after thinking, "This matter is related to the Gray Group, so I need to report it to President Henry. You can go back to work first."


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