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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 205

The little boy cries to go to the zoo. The weather is fine, so Nina Morrison smiles and nods, “Okay, let's go to the zoo. We will see the big lion!”

The driver Martin follows Nina Morrison and Nelson, “Miss Morrison, the road to the zoo is very busy on weekends. You need to be prepared.”

Nina Morrison is about to say it's ok, when an idea comes to mind. She smiles and asks Nelson, “Have you ever taken the subway, baby?”

There is a subway next to the zoo, which is very convenient from Gray Family. They just need Martin to drop them off at the subway entrance.

Little Nelson’s eyes light up, “No! Auntie, are you taking me to the zoo by subway?”

Nina Morrison nods, “The subway is free of traffic and more convenient, Nelson. Would you like to have a take?”

Nelson nods like little pecks, “Yes, I want! I'd love to! Every time I go out, I would either take my daddy’s car or Martin’s car. I'm so bored!”

Martin also enjoys to have his free time. He takes Nina Morrison and Nelson to the subway station and waves goodbye.

It’s the first time that little Nelson took the subway. Everything is new. He keeps pointing at the stuff in the subway station and asks everything. He is very excited.

Everything goes well except for an accident that Nina Morrison's subway card doesn't work.

The subway worker next to her, a very young and handsome guy, comes over to help. He takes Nina Morrison's card to the machine in the office and swipes it several times. Finally the problem is solved.

Nina Morrison thanks him, “Thank you. Sorry I get you trouble.”

The young man smiles like the sunshine, “That’s all right. It is my duty of job.”

Seeing little Nelson staring at him with head slightly tilted, the young man asks, “Is he your younger brother? He is so cute!”

Brother? Nina Morrison chuckles. Do she and Nelson look like sister and brother? Is she that young and beautiful?

“Oh, no, he is my friend's son.” Nina Morrison answers with a laugh, suppressing her swelling vanity.

Nina Morrison has a small pretty face with eyes bent like two crescent moons when she smiles. And a row of white and regular teeth shine with beautiful luster.

The young man is a little stunned. Nowadays, Most women go out wearing heavy makeup. It is really rare to see such a pure and fresh beautiful girl!

Driven by impulse, he pulls out the phone and asks Nina Morrison, “What's your phone number? How about we exchange the number!”

Eh? Is this what they called hook-up? Nina Morrison is so embarrassed that she gives him her cell phone number because she is too polite to refuse.

After they get into the station, Nelson is still thinking about the question, “Auntie, the uncle, is he trying to pick up you?”

What? Nina Morrison bursts out laughing and pats little Nelson on the head. “What are you thinking in your little head, so precocious...Do you know what ‘pick up’ means?”

Nelson straightens his chest. “I've grown up. I'm not a kid anymore. Of course I know what ‘Pick up’ means. It is the boy wants to pursue you, and he wants to invite you to have dinner!”


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