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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 210

In the morning, Nina gets dressed, picks up the skirt of the bridesmaid, takes the taxi and rushes to Sunny's house.

The wedding of Sunny cost a lot of money, even thousands of dollars for each bridesmaid's skirt, which has complicated lace, tiny pearl buttons, and long hemline. It's not easy to walk in this dress. Nina can't wear it on her own, and she can only wear it with help.

When Nina arrives at Sunny's home, Sunny has just finished her grooming and is discussing her makeup with the dresser. Seeing Nina coming, Sunny hurriedly beckons her over, "Nina, I have a bad news for you. You've got to hold on!"

Nina has a bad premonition, "What news?"

Sunny observes her expression, "I told you before that Lucien wouldn't be the groomsman. But last night, he changed his mind again. He called Peter Johnson and said he would be the groomsman!"

Uh? Lucien is also coming? Nina suddenly gets a little rattled, "Why is he coming? Is Jasmine still the bridesmaid?"

Sunny sighs, "Yes! Before you came back home, she told me that she would be the bridesmaid on my wedding day. Now that you three meet face to face, will something go wrong?"

Nina freezes for a moment and claps Sunny on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll just hide from Lucien. Jasmine is also very kind. There should not be any problems."

Sunny nods, "Nina, I'll leave it to you."

Nina mechanically stands beside Sunny and assists the dresser to help her make up. Thinking of the cigarette butts all over the floor, her heart starts to get confused again...

She hasn't seen Lucien for five days. He is tall and straight. He's gonna look great in the groomsman's suit, right?

Nina looks as if she has woken up with a start, and she bites her lips. He is really handsome, but so what? He attends the wedding ceremony of Sunny as Jasmine's boyfriend. The person standing beside him can only be Jasmine!

And she is just an irrelevant passerby!

Sunny just finishes making up, and three other bridesmaids come. Jasmine is wearing a dress of the champagne color. Her makeup is almost as delicate as Sunny's.

Jasmine's eyes flicker when she sees Nina.

The makeup of Nina is very light, but it highlights her fair and clear skin. Of the four bridesmaids, she is the best.

Jasmine reaches out to hug Sunny enthusiastically, and then hugs Nina, "Nina, you look a little haggard. Were you too excited to sleep well last night?"

Haggard? Yeah? After washing her face in the morning, she looked in the mirror and thought she looked good! Nina touches her face and smiles politely, "Is that? I'll fix my makeup later!"

While they are talking, Sunny's father and mother have warmly called the bridesmaids to have breakfast.

Just after breakfast, the groom's procession comes.

Hearing the loud crackle of firecrackers downstairs, Nina's palms can't help sweating.

She laughs at herself in her heart. They haven't seen each other for only five days. How can she be so nervous?

The bridesmaids are clamoring to block the door for lucky money. Nina is the main bridesmaid, so she sits quietly with Sunny in the bedroom without joining in the fun.

Nina helps her to tidy up the bottom of the wedding dress, puts on the wedding shoes for her and carefully checks the clothes and make-up again. She makes sure everything is perfect. Nina looks at Sunny's face and says with a heartfelt smile, "Sunny, you are so beautiful today!"

Sunny's been watching Nina do this and do that for her carefully and thoughtfully, without missing any details. Nina is even more scrupulous than her own wedding, and Sunny is very moved. She takes Nina's hands, "Nina, thank you!"

They look at each other and smile. All their friendship is in this smile...

Peter Johnson pays $7,000 to open the door. The fat lucky money makes all the bridesmaids very happy.


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