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Mysterious Woman is So Gentle by Mila Chan novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Neither Shandie nor Cindy did anything. Likewise, Cindy no longer begged Henrick to shorten Shandie‘s punishment. Cindy even took increasingly good care of Arielle, which Henrick approved

That incident with the venomous snake was explicitly banned. No one was allowed to utter a single word about it. Hence, the manor‘s inhabitants resumed their following days as if

nothing happened.

Likewise, Henrick returned to his and Cindy‘s bedroom after five days of sleeping in the


By the sixth day, Henrick headed out with a bounce in his step; even Cindy had a glowing and cheery expression. It wasn‘t hard to guess what happened the night before.

Things became so amiable that Cindy offered an entire drumstick to Arielle during


At this, a delighted smile crept onto Arielle‘s face. She responded in a sweet tone, “Thank you, Aunt Cindy.”

“Call me Mom from now on.” Cindy beamed back as she continued, “I‘ll look after you as my own child. Just like Shannie. She‘s not my biological daughter, but I‘ve always cared for her like

she is. So, don‘t hesitate to ask me if you ever need anything.”

Arielle scoffed inwardly. Not your biological daughter? I don‘t believe it one bit.

Shandie is only a couple of months younger than me, which means that Henrick had an affair with Cindy during my mother‘s pregnancy.

Henrick obviously won‘t allow this scandal to leak.

Cindy must be up to something. Why else would she suddenly suggest that I call her “Mom“? Still, she‘s got some nerve asking me to call her that.

I only have two mothers: my biological mom and my adoptive mother. No one else is worthy of that title.

Skeptical, Arielle looked at Henrick for help. “Dad. I–it‘s too soon. I’m not used to calling her


She flashed a pair of puppy–dog eyes at him. Her eyes rounded and became slightly moist as she put on a pitiful act.

If this were an award show, Arielle believed that she would have won the title of Most Convincing Actress

True enough, Henrick‘s features softened after glancing over at her. No man could resist Arielle‘s puppy dog eyes, not even her own dad. Henrick cleared his throat and consoled, “That‘s quite alright. Take it slow and go at your

own pace. There‘s no need to rush into calling her Mom.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Arielle then cast an apologetic look whilst saying, “And I‘m really sorry, Aunt Cindy. I‘m sure I‘ll eventually ease into your new title.”

Anger welled in Cindy‘s chest. This wretched brat! How dare she refuse to call me Mom!

Even so, Cindy was better at tamping down her emotions compared to Shandie, so she feigned a kind smile. “I understand that this must be difficult for you. Please don‘t apologize. I should be sorry for pressuring you. Don‘t worry, dear, take all the time you need to adjust. After all, we‘ve got the rest of our lives as a family for you to do so.”

“Thanks, Aunt Cindy.” “It‘s nothing, child.”

The two played out a harmonious pretense as if they were happily getting along at the

dining table.

Henrick‘s spirits instantly improved; the exhaustion he felt from work faded away at the

sight of this merry atmosphere.

As the saying goes, a family in harmony will prosper in everything; I‘m content as long as they don‘t pull any more stunts against one another.

Just as Henrick thought so, Cindy parted her lips to speak. “There‘s something I have to tell

you, dear. It‘s about Shannie.”

The mention of Shandie‘s name ruined Henrick‘s mood. He slammed his spoon onto the

table and thundered, “Let me guess, you‘re trying to put in a good word for that brat?

Considering how grave her actions were, I‘ve been more than merciful by grounding her for

only a month. So forget it! Don‘t bother defending her.”

Arielle threw a suspicious glance at the woman. How uncharacteristic of her to blurt out.

She‘s normally good at gauging situations before speaking. Surely she knows that this isn‘t the

best time to defend Shandie?


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