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Mysterious Woman is So Gentle by Mila Chan novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

She shot onto her feet and shrilled, “Arielle, what‘s the meaning of this? Can‘t you suck it up

this once instead of vying against me for the first–class seat? Need I remind you the reason we‘re

on this flight? It‘s because we‘re going to my awards ceremony! Mine!”

Arielle spat coldly, “Relax. I‘m not here for your precious first–class seat.”

Shandie knitted her brows before interrogating loudly, “Then why are you here?”

Right then, Henrick had overheard the commotion and joined in with a thunderous voice.

“What do you think you‘re doing, Arielle? And here I thought you were a sweet and obedient

girl. Was that all just a façade?”

Arielle was about to respond, but the man beat her to it. He interjected with a sharp gaze,

“I‘m afraid you‘re all mistaken. Ms. Moore is not here for the first–class cabin. Rather, I‘m

escorting her to that private jet, the one next to this aircraft.”

“What!” Shandie bellowed as her eyes shot over to the window in disbelief.

What she saw next clouded her thoughts with resentment. It was a luxurious private jet

with an extremely sleek and polished exterior. Across the jet‘s body was an elegantly written

word with fine penmanship–Nightshire.

That‘s the Nightshire family‘s private jet! Shandie whipped around to stare daggers at Arielle, jealousy flitting across her dark eyes. Even Cindy, who had been silently observing, balled her fists after seeing the Nightshires‘ jet.

Henrick soon snapped back to his senses and quickly asked the man, “Sir. I‘m Sannie‘s

father, and our family is traveling together on this flight. If it‘s alright, can the rest of us go as


The man maintained a neutral expression as he pointed out, “Apologies, Mr. Nightshire has

only extended his invitation to Ms. Moore alone. Not to mention, the three of you got a cabin

upgrade but chose to abandon Ms. Moore in economy–class by herself. Is that how a family

should be with one another?”

Regret festered in Henrick like a tumor.

Damn it! I should have upgraded Arielle‘s seat to first–class too. If I had done that, then

maybe I would be lounging in Vinson‘s private jet at this very moment...

The man couldn‘t care less about what Henrick thought. He swiftly turned on his heel and

bowed respectfully to Arielle. “This way, Ms. Moore.”

Arielle nodded, then cast an icy stare at Henrick. “I‘ll meet you guys at the airport.”

With that, Arielle held her head high like royalty and disregarded Shandie completely. She followed closely behind the man as they exited the airplane.

Shandie‘s and Cindy‘s faces twisted with jealousy at the luxurious private jet that parked

beside them.

Shortly after, Arielle boarded the jet. The first thing she saw was Vinson, whose head was

lowered to focus on reading a contract.

The assistant spoke up, “Mr. Nightshire. I‘ve brought Ms. Moore over.”

Vinson hummed a simple Mm–hmm in reply without even looking up.

Arielle felt uneasy. Not knowing how to respond or what to do, she tensed with her feet planted on the ground.

Thankfully, the assistant came to her rescue. He advised, “Mr. Nightshire is currently busy. You may make yourself comfortable in the cabin that‘s inside.”

“Okay.” Arielle nodded. She then cautiously walked past Vinson and entered the cabin. Once inside, Arielle‘s jaw dropped in shock. She exclaimed, “Rain?” The blonde man lifted his gaze and gawked, equally as surprised. “San? I never thought I‘d

see you here. Have you returned to this country?”

“Mm–hmm, I just got back some time ago.”

Rain cheerily patted at the seat beside his, beckoning her over. “Come sit with me.”

Arielle obliged. Once she sat down, questions about her current life came out of Rain‘s

mouth with burgeoning excitement. He also invited, “I‘m heading to Norham for the academy‘s award ceremony. If there‘s nothing on your schedule, would you like to attend as well since you are one of our academy‘s founders?”


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