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Nerdy To Badass Werewolf novel Chapter 13

I have been sitting now for about 6 hours and I can't f*cking sleep. When we got into the house we took the girl to the pack house's infirmary, the pack doctor said she's fine, her body only shut down because of running for so long from, trying to get away from those assh*les. Its midnight right now and everyones asleep except for me, I dont know why but I just couldn't.

I suddenly got a great idea, maybe a run would be good. I walked out the house, undressed and shifted then changed into the other wolf form. Moona has been asking to run in our normal form I would gladly agree to that but we just couldn't risk someone seeing us.

I had been running for about 30 minutes now but I still couldn't seem to relax. One of the best ideas I've had today popped into my head and I made my way towards the clearing. When I got there the flowers were glowing their beautiful colours. I shifted back and dressed quickly, once I was done I made my way towards the water.

I had been sitting there for a good 5 minutes in peace and quiet until I smelt an all to familiar scent. "You know one of these days your going to be caught by the wolves and then I have to save your ugly ass" I said while facing him. "First of all, I have a sexy ass, and finally like I said when we first met, I like adventures! "He stated while smirking.

I just rolled my eyes at his idiotic comments. "So what you doing out here so late?"he asked while taking a seat next to me. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing and if you must know..." I then explained to him how my day started and ended with all the shit. I left out the part of me having to soon ask the Rouge King for help for the upcoming war.

"Wow, interesting first date for you, don't you think? " he said while chuckling. I knew he was saying it like a joke to try and cheer me up and for that I was grateful. "Do you smell that, it smells like sage and something else I can't seem to put my finger on? " he asked while looking around frantically and smelling the air.

I smelt the air and I smelt nothing peculiar. He calmed down after a couple of minutes, I was looking at the flowers when I felt his finger under my chin so I could look at him. I looked into his eyes and they were like a weird orange, black colour.

He started to lean in and before I could process what the hell he was doing, he smashed his lips against mine. At the beginning something was making me want to kiss him back, but I fought against it and pushed him off. "What the hell Cam!" I said while getting up. He at first looked like he was in a haze but he shook his head and realised what had happened.

"Sky, I promise I don't know what I was doing, I like you but not like that!" He looked at me, I could see guilt in his eyes but also fear. I was about to answer him but I was interrupted by clapping coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw about 10 vampires standing at the edge of the clearing with an evil glint and smirk on their faces. They made their way over to us and stopped about a few metres away from us.

"Well done your majesty, I have to admit we started to panick when we thought you were going to kiss him back, but then you shoved him away so we knew the spell hadn't worked on you" the leader of the vampires said. I gave him a confused look.

"What spell and why didnt it work on me?!" I asked and yelled at them, but I had a good idea on what they would say for my last question. "Its a love spell, it makes who ever inhales the smell kiss the closest person next to them, the only person spells dont work on is The Moon Goddess" he said while still holding onto that disgusting smirk.

"What the f*ck are you talking about!"Cam yelled at them. "Aaah Coven Master Cameron, pleased to meet you, well lets get you up to speed, your wolf friend over there is the future Moon Goddess, oh and The Vampire King still hasn't gotten your acceptance for his offer for the war against her" he looked at Cam, I started to worry that maybe Cam would actually fight against me and try to kill me.

"Like I said before, I would never want him to be The Moon King and this just gives me a bigger reason to fight against him!" He yelled at them and then looked at me, I smiled at him knowing that he is a true friend even though hes going against his own kind.

"Well thats a shame, but not to worry we have a lot of allies already, its a shame we have to kill you, I could've had some fun with you" he said while giving me a disgusting, seductive smirk. "In your dreams assh*loe!" I yelled at him, his smirked quickly dropped and it turned into a glare.


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