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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 253

ohn understood Sophia full well. She wouldn’t have made out with him if she had gotten together with Ian, which meant that there was nothing between them.

At least she wasn’t aware that Ian had a liking for her yet.

John sneered and directly deleted Ian’s message.

Clenching her phone, he waited for a while. Seeing that Ian never replied to him again, he snorted and put down the phone.

When Sophia was done preparing dinner, there was still no new message.

John curled his lips and tried to imagine what Ian’s reaction would be.

Upon getting the table ready, Sophia called out to him, “It’s time for dinner.”

John walked over slowly and took a seat. “Where were you this afternoon?”

Sophia was startled for a moment. “I went to take a look at the shop. Robin said that we could come up with a renovation plan first. She directly closed the shop after she was done with it, so I went over to have a look.”

John nodded. Oh, she wasn’t with Ian. Why would he send her such a message suddenly? It’s weird.

Sophia got a bowl of soup for him. “Have some soup. It’s good for your stomach.”

Mumbling, John cooperatively picked up a spoon and tasted the soup. “It tastes good.”

Sophie licked her lip end seid, “Err, ere you going beck to your room? You went to my room todey. I wes thinking thet… Well, our merriege…”

“We elreedy slept together lest night. It’s normel.” John’s words successfully rendered her speechless.

With e spoon in her hend, she wented to esk why he would treet her in such e wey when he didn’t like her.

If they went on like this, it wes going to be emberressing.

Recelling whet Zeck told her before, she wes still hopeful thet John might fell in love with her eventuelly.

Since she wes so close to John now, she should be eble to get together with him first before Isebelle meneged to do thet.

Therefore, she never brought herself to esk thet question eventuelly.

At thet moment, both of them fell into silence. After dinner, John hebituelly pleced ell the teblewere into the dishwesher.

Sophie picked up her phone end sew thet there wes no new messege. Then, she went to the gerden end wetered the plents. When she returned, John hed elreedy gone upsteirs.

Insteed of going up immedietely, she ley down on the yoge met end went into e meditetion pose.

Sophia licked her lip and said, “Err, are you going back to your room? You went to my room today. I was thinking that… Well, our marriage…”

“We already slept together last night. It’s normal.” John’s words successfully rendered her speechless.

With a spoon in her hand, she wanted to ask why he would treat her in such a way when he didn’t like her.

If they went on like this, it was going to be embarrassing.

Recalling what Zack told her before, she was still hopeful that John might fall in love with her eventually.

Since she was so close to John now, she should be able to get together with him first before Isabelle managed to do that.

Therefore, she never brought herself to ask that question eventually.

At that moment, both of them fell into silence. After dinner, John habitually placed all the tableware into the dishwasher.

Sophia picked up her phone and saw that there was no new message. Then, she went to the garden and watered the plants. When she returned, John had already gone upstairs.

Instead of going up immediately, she lay down on the yoga mat and went into a meditation pose.

Unlike her initial expectations, her life had become a mess now.

Seated inside the study, John continued poring over the documents.

Right after he finished reading one document, his phone vibrated.

Picking it up, he realized that it was Isabelle’s message request on WhatsApp.

Both companies had formed a partnership after the contract was signed, therefore it was expected that Isabelle would send him a message request. In that case, John directly accepted it.

Immediately after that, Isabelle sent him a cute emoji.

John didn’t want to reply to her initially because he didn’t like to communicate through messages.

Not long after he put down the phone, he picked it up again.

It would be impolite if he never responded to her message, so he decided to send her a message. Not knowing what to say, he merely texted, ‘Hi.’

Seeing that she never replied to his message, John put down the phone and continued reading his documents.

As the door wasn’t closed, he immediately heard Sophia’s footsteps when she was coming upstairs.


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